Ren'Py - Photo Hunt [v0.16.3 Extra] [Moochie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the beast incest themed i have played. This game compelled me to write my first review ever on this site since i joined (almost 4 years ago), that alone should give the reader some idea of how amazing it is. The family storyline is the best out there but other parts are also strong. Evelyn paths (all of them) grabbed me literally for days even weeks and that feat i can give only to one mother character from a famous game which is currently abandoned. I know that the game is not completed but it still has a ton of content and hence the well deserved rating. Keep it up Dev and give us more. We want more!!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality renders. A lot of content to play.
    Main story is weak and cliche but girls relevant are well written.
    And its easy to play with a well-made walkthrough but sometimes with version upgrade I encountered some bugs.
    Overall a very good fap game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Photo Hunt is a difficult game to rate... i am not a fan of sandbox and that is probably why it got 3 stars instead of higher... i will summarise what i like and dont like below:

    * Nice looking characters, all different
    * Good animations
    * Decent enough premise
    * Lots of content

    * Sandbox style means that sometimes there is literally nothing to do and you have to skip time or grind on something useless to continue
    * Grindy - have to do things at a certain time, in a certain place, in a certain order... easy to miss things if you are not using a mod

    I have definately played worse, but for me the sandbox element and grind required bring the score down.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is absolutely fantastic. The renders are gorgeous and the plot is actually engaging. It's actually the title that inspired me to attempt creating my own game. All girls' stories are compelling and believable, and although the MC is a bit of a dick-ish character I am not the biggest fan of, I can glance past that because this game deserves recognition.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The day is 207. I've yet to have sex with mother. Her love is 197, my photo skills are 400, yet that sweet rank alcoholic cooter eludes me. I have hunted, days I have wasted jogging, lying in bed with her after a drunken stupor, yet she chooses to ignore me. I've corrupted my sister into a slave as I have with every other woman in town, yet my own mother keeps teasing me with her lewd body every chance she gets, yet always recoils as I near her labia. I know not if she is playing a cruel ploy on me, driving me slowly to insanity or if she is simply too oblivious too understand that this game is destroying my mental health. I've lost all interest in other women, they are simply tools to be used for gaining more lewd scenes of my mother's toned body as she is all that matters to me. Seeing her naked pale skin in the morning brings me back to life from death, but it does not sate my hunger. I will only be satisfied once me and her love each other as no son and mother should.

    Also this game is quite good, though not really a fan of incest personally because Im a cuckold
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I have a hard time explaining how I feel about this novel. The renders are great, the story is great and I like the characters-- all would warrant a 5 star rating . This is a grind but doesn't really feel like a grind most of the time. The buildup to the "pay-off" scene is full of great smaller scenes and plenty of variety. Where this novel falls completely flat for me is the "pay-off" scenes themselves. Some of the main pay-off scenes are lackluster and that's being polite. Nothing was ever to a point I was ready to throw it in the recycle bin like so many other novels.-- so I give it 4 stars.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    3 Stars, there are mainly 2 reasons why I knocked it down, the creepness and something with the mom:

    The game has pretty nice models, even through on _some_ pictures they look like cartoonish heads attached to realistic body, for the most part it looks great and works well enough, the mom looks the nicest to me which is one of the reasons I knocked it down... I'll get to that later on [Story section], and for a long time, the sister actually looks hot, she's cute and just is balanced right unlike most games to me

    The dialogue, I mean it seems like a lot of people really don't like it but personally I found it pretty enjoyable and, it's one of those rare games that I don't start skipping mid-game, it's gets a bit cheesy but the spirit is there, it might have lead to some horrible text:porn ratio but it wasn't bad, except the creepy part. Speaking of...

    The MC, I didn't like his look that much but he's way better than what I've seen from other games so I'll take it, but here's the thing, he's a fucking creep when it comes to the girls, like legit I just want to check on the mom but he fucking goes straight to the bathroom trying to take a pic... to sell... which is maybe something I don't want to do at all, but he gets creepy and lovely and it's just a weird mix, best to describe it would be he's just a fucking horny teen. Would've made the game way better if he didn't do it as often.

    The renders, I can't lie to you, this game has amazing renders and at worst medicore, I haven't seen any bad or immersion-breaking renders, sometimes they are top notch like when you make dinner & stay with your mom at night. If not top notch they are great, you really won't be disappointed with this game renders if you like the style.

    The story, oh boy, the story itself is great, the way they talk is great (not a native speaker but while reading it felt nice and read pretty great), the way they handled the pacing is not fucking great which I'll get to in a moment, I like what they did with the dad, it really is something different than all other games where the dad is on a "business trip" or dead, and he has actually a good character as much as it's a bit of weird he is, like really, a bit flat when it comes to "I can seduce any girl" but he has some nice lines, well, back to the bad part, the pacing, I made it the last paragraph so you can skip to the next section if you don't want spoilers of major events with the mom.
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    The creepiness, yeah as I've mentioned before it was pretty weird, no, it was very fucking weird, you just got back from like a 12 year seperation to you mom and sister and the first thing you start thinking about is taking hot pictures of them... not even for personal use, it's to sell. like come the fuck on, I just wish it was a choice and not something that the MC suggests throughout the whole game whenever an opportunity arises even on the most fucked situations.

    Overall all if you don't mind the last two points (or you can ignore it) the game is really great and polished, I'd definitely recommned you to play, it's on my top 5 that's for sure, and for the mom she looks fucking good, most models do so just give it a shot, also the game is actually almost Free, you can chase whoever you want without need to do event number 35 from X person. Great.

    I'll have to revise the review later to make a bit more polished (and compressing text), but I had to write it down for now. v0.13.4 at the time of writing.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Came across this game randomly, but I got pulled in immediately. The art and character models are top of the line, and the get better with each update. It takes a while, but once to get to actual scenes with animations the CG model physics have a level of detail I've never seen in other AVNs.

    The progression is more open than some on-the-rails AVNs, but it can feel a bit grindy as you try to figure out how to continue the story with certain character. This is the way most adult games used to be structured though, so I don't mind it.

    *Update* playing this again after the 0.14 update. The Grace content was great and the overall art and renders are getting even better. The grind of timed events is making it somewhat harder to want to keep going with the game. So much progress is dependent on weekend afternoon events. After you run out of week day activities it just turns into a lot of skipping to get to the next weekend and do another brief event on repeat. Most of these afternoon activities could also be available in the morning or evening too and allow that way we're not just skipping every morning, evening, and week day.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good stories of wonderful models sometimes express amazing emotions on her face. But he is satisfied. The work is not very exciting. The event search engine spoils the whole picture. The posts are short, unexpected and most importantly I lost my logic. So it led me to despair. This can ruin the whole thing. There is no continuity in what mc does. Several incidents of nudity and advanced touch are passed over from the main story in which even a girl has difficulty communicating with me. When it comes to working on it, the work of 5 stars is clear. There is no regular period of connections. So the gameplay is search and repeat. Sad. The big advantage is the long story and its possibilities. He wants to set it up to be even more exciting in some places. I can not help anymore, this is my impression.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    I had a good chuckle off this one, I couldn't believe how badly written this was. From being caught up in countless blackmail angles to being an obsessive voyeur camera man I'm don't know what I was suppose get out of this. But I'm going to break down why this game left me scratching my head.


    The main character to sum it up is a pathetic loser, immature, doesn't think about his actions and how they affect others, he's a joke. The women in this game as just as bad because there's really no redeeming qualities when it comes to any of them other than being fuck buddies. Romance is doesn't exist here, it's a sham, a farce, it's fake. There's nothing romantic at all about these storylines, if anything it's a game of corruption. Your sister is a call girl/prostitute. Your mom is a drunk, you spend your whole time trying to get into her pants, only to coerce your drunk mother into becoming a pornstar lol. That's his ultimate goal? Not rehab? Exposing her to everyone at anyplace, like what? Class mates are classmates, they really didn't matter because it was all the same to me.


    Hit or miss. You either like it or you don't, I found some models for the most part cute and others ugly.


    As someone said, the ladies are either sluts or prostitutes or both or all of the above, idk.


    The one highlight of the game.

    Overall. Romance doesn't exist here, if you're looking for a love story, keep looking. If you want to slut out everyone, including your mom and sister.. this is the place.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The game looks great with an interesting art style that booth look cartoony and realistic.
    The story is decent with some of the girls stories being better than others and plenty of NSFW scenes that pletvise make sense.

    Unfortunately it is very linear and you cant really skip scenarios that you aren't interested in, if you want to progress the story (like if you aren't into dating your mom)

    Looking forward to see the game complete
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.13.4
    Time Played: 15+ hours. Seen most content, missing some scenes here and there. Nothing that would make me change my opinion.

    Now this is the stuff. As evidenced by the plethora of positive reviews, this one sildes down the ol' shaft real easy. While it certainly doesn't win points for originality in terms of setting, kinks or character archetypes, what's here is done so well and the graphics including camera angles, posing and fashion are absolutely top tier that it's a delight to play. There is basically a character for everyone from personality to design. The fact that there are also characters who haven't really even begun to be explored also bodes very well. I genuinely like all of the characters so far, and while not perfect, there is a three dimensionality to them you don't often see in games where eye candy and (contrived) sexual escapades are the main focus. To be sure, there's a lot of both of the latter and this isn't going to be winning any prizes for writing, but there's more than enough characterization, story and memorable moments to elevate it beyond the sum of its parts.

    That said, all is not perfect; in spite of what those 15 hours might belie, there actually isn't as much sexual content as you might think, particularly penetrative. The English is also off, so some of the lines, particularly when swearing, end up being more silly than impactful. I also have to say that sometimes your options for the MC are only to play him as a creep, which I don't really like.

    + Beautiful girls with varying body design and defined personalities
    + Gorgeous visuals including some great animations and visually pleasing scene composition
    + Different paths to take certain LIs down that allow for a variety of outcomes
    + Character design has a slight modern 3D animation look to it with features being ever so slightly exaggerated (I dig, but YMMV)
    + Bush!

    - English needs work
    - Sexual content to gameplay ratio is not good
    - A bit on the grindy side, but not nearly as egregious as others
    - Some choices only seem to allow for creepy behavior

    Overall, even with its minor issues, I still think this is one of the best games on the site and now sits among my favorites.
    There are awesome plot threads still remaining to be explored as well as ladies who have barely only received an introduction teasing some great times ahead.
    This is a total must play in my book.

    Note to Devs: Thank you very much for the incredible experience! I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm really looking forward to Evelyn's PS route content (I dig sharing) and it would be awesome to see some more content with MC's "adopted" father.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Demonic Presence

    That should sum up my feelings about this game. The models aren't attractive to me. No real story here in the first place just some guy who wants to get laid at first then guides everyone into becoming whores, prostitutes and pornstars. That's really all there is to it, none of the love interests have any redeeming qualities.

    But I gave it a shot, I vote Nay, good luck the rest of the way to the Devs.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a solid good game., and I'd give it a 4.5/5 if I could. Art is nice, story is fine, plenty of content, for a sandbox game it's got its grind, but it's not a terrible grind and content is paced pretty well despite the repeated scenes.
    But what knocks it down for me is not a big incest fan, and a vast majority of the content is mother and sister focused despite a large stable of women. Too much feet stuff, don't hate it, but also feels like its either the dev's personal thing, or his patreons really push for it and it feels a bit dominant.
    Finally, the art. The art is nice, but the characters look a bit too much like XXX versions of dreamwork characters or something. The sex scenes lack orgasm. That's not to say there's no jism, but every scene I've seen it's "shot, shot, shot, post-orgasm". No visual build up, and its absence is noticeable since every scene is this way. It's not bad, and its consistent, but just annoys me enough that I can't say it's great. Again, a 4.5/5.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    i enjoyed playing this game. this is one of those sandbox visual novel that i really didn't mind... until they locked you out for skipping class. oh well it was fun ride but i'm gonna stop playing this for two reason.
    1. i will forgot again that skipping class will lock you out for the rest of the story.
    2. i'm too busy irl and i'm bound to repeat the same mistake.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 724036

    Man, this game is lit! It has some hot girls, it has a plot, it has some really good rendering/animating skills and it has style. I like those "cartoon'ish" looking characters. Awesome job, keep it up!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a fun story, hot characters, and a unique artistic style. The LIs are visually more cute/fun than sexy, but the situations and the story are definitely sexy enough to make up for that.

    Each LI is distinct, and although not a new technique in storywriting, each has something painful about them or something in their past which drives the growth of feelings with the MC. When juggling multiple LIs, it's always a good feeling when each one can have a distinct impact, both visually and emotionally.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I remember playing this during a lockdown weekend. It felt like long hazy dream and my brains were reduced to mush... which is a great thing for a hgame. 10/10 I recommend.
    Renders are great, girls are varied and kinky, overall it doesn't feel excessively difficult to unlock everything but you are indeed rewarded for being considerate of the plot/reading context clues.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    I downloaded this several months ago because the previewed art looked really good. I have to admit I started the game a couple of times, but each time played only thirty minutes or so before losing interest. A few weeks ago I downloaded the latest version, plus a walkthrough, and decided I would dive in deeper and see if this game was worth my time. I'm so happy that I did because now I can't stop playing! "Photo Hunt" has a few flaws, which I will spell out shortly, but the unique, high-quality art, the variety of female characters and scenarios, and the writing work to make "Photo Hunt" a fun, erotic adventure.

    This game is very similar to "Milfy City" and "Man of the House," two of the AVN world's better-known sandbox titles. The MC has to gain skills, make money, and figure out how to be at the right place at the right time in order to progress the stories and his relationships with the many female characters he will encounter. If you like that type of game, "Photo Hunt" will surprise you only in that it seems to have even more places and storylines to explore than those other titles. As an older man with adult responsibilities, I don't really want to spend hours and hours grinding, but with a good walkthrough, I will happily work my way efficiently through the paths, build my skills, etc. The reason is that I find games that build slowly invariably provide much more satisfying gratification than games that launch into sex immediately and frequently.

    The stories and scenarios in "Photo Hunt" are familiar to any conniseur of porn. There's blackmail, sexual photoshoots, the divorced kid who returns to living with his mom and sister, etc. etc. As you might expect, strong realism is not what the title is going for. But the situations are plausible enough and the dialogue is done well enough that I can get into the story without rolling my eyes. Moreover, many of the situations--enhanced by the excellent art work--really turn me on.

    I know that lots of people who come to this site and make these games are not native speakers of English, so I'm pretty forgiving of the odd turn of phrase or misspelling. Occasionally there is some bit of English that is really questionable, but for the most part it's really fine.

    While the art is very good and there are tons of hot renders and scenes throughout the game, the animations are few and far between. Those that are in the game are not particularly well done, but they improve as you go along. Animations are not a big deal for me, but if they are for you, you may be disappointed.

    The best aspect of this game, as you would expect, are the female characters. There are a few who seem quite unique in this kind of game. Jennifer and Monica are particularly endearing to me. I also find Evelyn and Alice tremendously sexy. Other characters, like Rachel and Fiona, are pretty standard to AVNs; nonetheless, they are well represented here.

    Bottom line: if you want to use the walkthrough and have the patience to spend several hours playing before you get too far with any of the main love interests, you will be well rewarded. If you're looking for a quick fap, you're better off playing something else, or--frankly--going to a traditional porn site and watching a video.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a sandbox game, every character has its own quests and the game hints you what to do.

    There is no NTR but there is swinging/sharing if you choose it, its optional.
    With every girl i think theres like 2 routes for her you can choose, i think theres like around 10 girls..

    But overall, its a really fun game, story is sometimes funny and good, animations are decent, music is great.

    I recommend this