Ren'Py - Photo Hunt [v0.16.3 Extra] [Moochie]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The only negative of this game is it being a sandbox. It's not very grindy and with a WT mod installed, playing it is easy and exciting. The only problem deriving from its sandbox nature is that the natural sequence of events is broken every now and then.
    You may fuck the brain out of an LI for quite a while in one location or the plot thread and in other location or thread she only allows kissing her on the cheek and holding hands until finally deciding to go FOR IT for the first time )))
    That's the only negative that I can say about this game. The rest is simply excellent: the models are hot, the graphics are very good, the story is solid and interesting, the characters are various, memorable and believable.
    Well done!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It started okay. Then it inserted script everywhere. It has bombed. Bombed, no point clicking through it. Not enough of anything else except the script, pages and pages of script now. Nobody reads that crap.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Nasty Guru

    While I'm searching for an incestuous gem in f95zone, found a box full of treasure.
    What a marvellous game it is.
    Every characters design is perfectly done.
    Even the story is perfectly wrote.
    The SHARING content is perfectly blend in it. Just waiting to see what will happen next.

    Wish it was release on STEAM, would purchase it asap to support you.
    And please please MOOCHIE, don't abandon it.
    Watching abandon text beside this marvellous project would be a biggest regret for me.
    Take time and cook a delicious dish for us.

    Best of Luck with your project
    Take Care MOOCHIE
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow this game gets better after every update
    Renders, story and models are the best in this game
    I hope Moochie puts more of the Evelyn stories in every update and especially the sharing scene are masterpiece and milked my balls
    thank you moochie i can't wait for the next update:love::love:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    worth putting the time in and playing. SUPER UNDERRATED. Go to work, school and park(photos) for a week or two. then just enjoy the game. Principle is the best! Great visuals. Play game twice. one for all the love paths and then one for all the corruption paths.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Two complaints. One, and probably the biggest issue, is that the script needs some touching up. Preferably with a native English speaker doing the proofreading and editing. It improves considerably in later parts, though.

    Two, the faces are generally attractive but sometimes have rather off-putting expressions or angles. This is a very minor quibble, though. Most of the time they're very expressive which is definitely refreshing in a sea of games that have the "plastic doll" model problem. (Evelyn's expressions in particular crack me up)

    Now with the negative out of the way, let's talk about the positives. Which is literally everything else. The story is fantastic, the pacing and progression are on point, the sandbox, while somewhat grindy at times, never overstays its welcome, and the sex scenes just get better and better. The comedy is well done as well, and most of the jokes and humorous situations land.

    There is a TON of content here, and it's still going. I'm not sure how I missed this gem until recently, but rest assured I will be watching this one from now on. Highly recommended!

    EDIT: Highly advised to use the walkthrough mod, as the plots are interwoven and sometimes it's unclear where to go next. Also, there are some steps that you want to hold off on until you advance more with another girl, in order to get the optimal result.

    Final addendum: Evelyn (the mom) is absolutely hilarious and easily my favorite character!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.16.3:

    RenPy sandbox games isnt exactly my thing so I was a bit skeptical going into this one but quite a few hours later I have to say that Photo Hunt does an OK job of it. Its not that grindy in the sense that money does not mean much, maybe for the first hour or so until you unlock the scene to earn more at the storage facility but after that its tolerable and at some point the money rolls in through achievements. And neither does it feel grindy in advancing the story forward since the inbuilt hints in the phone menu makes it really easy to continue the story. There is a lot of game here, tons of scenes and erotic events with some of the best looking cgi's on this site. The girls in the game are many but dev has managed to make them distinct from each other in a good way, their looks and personalities each unique. Story is kind of a slice of life kind of thing with no huge main story going on but instead many smaller plots building into each other in some ways.

    So I had a blast with this game and am happy I waited for so long before I finally gave it a try since I got a lot of hours out of it. If I must give it a negative so would it be that sometimes the story gets confused if you advance one girl more than another, in the sense that info you already know about gets "revealed" by another girl. Don't know how many ways I got to know about Fionas dorm room number and every time the game tried to make it seem like MC didn't already know about it, be it that Monica told him, Fiona said it herself or MC found out about it through the teachers room. But this didn't destroy my immersion enough for it to warrant one less star.

    Will keep following this, maybe wait a bit between updates so I get a good bunch of content to enjoy.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Photo Hunt is up there as one of the best sandbox games around The characters are fun with some solid writing and well handled scenes but the real highlight is how much content there is for each of them already. Even with branching paths for most of them it has developed each one to a very satisfying point with plenty of scenes for each. I'm so used to these games with multiple characters being quantity over quality, but somehow this has balanced both exceptionally well with still plenty to come in development
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    High-end product! The characters, the sandbox mode and of course the pictures/poses are brilliant. I like it. I hope this project will run for a while. Looking forward to see more, including some more passion and more sharing.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. Interesting enough story, good and unique LIs. Lots of content.

    A few random thoughts:

    1. Sandbox is always tricky. There's a reasonable balance here in that there's flexibility in how you go about completing paths (meaning you can complete lots of different events/scenes at the same time rather than following a tedious, linear pattern), but it does come at the expense of the timeline and sometimes scenes/dialogue don't properly align with what has previously occurred as they are completed 'out of order'. It's not too immersion breaking and i imagine it would be stupidly complex to solve.

    2. You don't have much of a choice about which LIs to pursue. You have to complete steps with some in order to continue with others. E.G. I have no interest in Monica or Oksana. It's a design choice and broadly the paths do feed back into the main plot so i can get over it, even if there is in some cases a LOT of content.

    3. The devs have a good balance between images and text (i.e. not a new photo for every single line of dialogue), which is important in the AVN genre where dev times can be obscene. However there are a few scenes where an action is explicitly described in the text and not shown. It's more noticeable in for instance foreplay scenes. It's a really minor issue that I don't mind too much, but something to think about.

    4. You really need a walkthrough to make sense of the branching imo. Even then it's kinda confusing due to the number of LIs and the progression structure of the pathing. Honestly i'm impressed that the devs have kept it as coherent as they have given the non-linearity and branching of some paths.

    5. So much content. Even random events for all the LIs and new scenes for the 'repeat scene' sandbox elements.

    Nice work overall!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Keeps interest at first, but the restrictive nature of events becomes old quick. First of the art is actually some of the best at least for me personally that I have seen on the site. Many of the storylines are also fairly good and actually try to link with each other across the different girls. Unfortunately this game has become too restrictive with events requiring a certain day & time sometimes this leads to the fatigue of having to skip entire days and weeks. Also because of the branching nature it's hard to get all events and unfortunately due to the massive length of this game it leads to a time waste if you want to play another path even with skipping. Finally, there is corruption but only of the sharing variety.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Scotty Doesn't Know

    This is an entertaining game with a few flaws.
    The tease scenes with the women are some of the hottest around. Most of the women are gorgeous and have a distinct personality, which is near impossible to find in today's games. So great job with writing all the characters in here. That can't be said for the MC though. He is an alpha male with confidence in one scene and a wimp who can barely say a word to the women in the next. This constantly happens throughout, whenever the specific plot point calls for it.

    Its a great looking game with high quality renders, environments and lighting. The women are all very good looking characters with a great range of different looks and bodies. Most are girls from school and a few MILFs.
    Music in the game can also be good at times. The amount of renders for each scene should be a bit more. With the game showing the same image for many sentences. Because the writing is top tier a lot of the time, you don't notice it that much.

    The sandbox which I usually hate isn't as bad as it could be but still has major issues. Theres minimal of grinding the same scenes over and over. When it is, they have noticeable differences. Biggest problem is the timeframe when tasks can only be done at specific times on specific days. Which gives you overlapping scenes, so sometimes you have to go through another week just to see it. The other major problem with it is, there are many girls in the game and even if you dont want anything to do with a few of them, tough luck. You have to complete their scenes to get to the next stage of the girls you actually want. Sometimes even having to be in a relationship with them and admitting feelings, when that is not what you want. Its a convoluted mess without a walkthrough, as there's so many connecting factors with all the girls that you have to do in specific order to get further in the game.

    The individual scenes and stories of the women are extremely well told and some have real emotion and feeling behind them. Only a couple that were a bit contrived, otherwise its top notch for relationship / friendship drama and helping them to get what they need. Then you get what you want from them too lol. Really helps with the immersion when all the girls are each so different with their words, poses and actions. While also having their own issues and dramas that you can either help them with or use to your advantage.

    Actual sex takes a while to get to but for me I prefer that, as I find the teasing and foreplay scenes so much hotter. Especially when they have a certain taboo or sneaky aspect to them. Whether it be family, exhibitionist, femdom, romance, prostitution, etc. So many fetishes are there.

    If this wasn't a sandbox I would give it 5 stars. The individual stories with the women are great but having to constantly click on maps and hallways or wait days to get to them, does break the immersion.
    It is a chore to navigate. Even with that I'd still definitely recommend playing it. With every girl being so unique and having different paths with each of them, its a fun time with some heartfelt moments included.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is currently one of my favorites on this site. Its only real weakness is that other games have better 3D graphics but other games with even worse graphics are top of the ratings.

    Strong points are the large amount and variety of girls, pacing and its one of the best 'open world' games as long as you use a walkthrough. I think thats par for the course for all open world games I have played.

    Story 4/5, Originality 3/5, Renders 3.5/5, Playability 5/5, Animations 2/5, Amount of content 5/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    To tell the truth, It is my first review, and this game deserves to be heard of, whilst thinking about shortcomings of Photo Hunt, I couldn't come up with any, there wasn't a single thing, that I didn't like. So what's great about it:
    1. Well designed characters, every woman is unique
    2. Beautiful renders, sometimes they are static and not animated, and still look great, and there are A LOT of scenes in this game
    3. Nicely developed sandbox, a lot of locations with different interactions, had a feeling, that content in this game is endless. Another positive side is the way the game is built - it is impossible to miss scenes.
    To sum up, this is my №2 favourite game and I hope it won't be abandoned. Sorry for poor language, English is not my native, would've written more.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game but can’t imagine it’d be particularly fun without the walkthrough mod, hence the 4-star rating only.

    Lots of content though, with dual love/corruption paths for most of the girls!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, tons of scenes with different girls. No lineair progress so you can focus on a specific girl, there basically isnt anything to nitpick about this game in my personal opinion. Looking forward to where it goes!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    - Great looking models and renders, however they're sparse in that it's not uncommon to have dozens of lines for a single render. This is particularly apparent in sex scenes where you'll usually have only a handful of renders and a single animation.
    - Decent story that gets bogged down because it's written to fill in the blanks, instead of the renders servicing the story, here we have the opposite. This creates a discrepancy with renders often being out of place and the writing being laughably out of context.
    - Mediocre sandbox, you'll need to look at the in-game walkthrough more often than not to see what to do next.
    - Plenty of content and fan service like threesomes that unfortunately make little plot sense.

    Overall the game gets carried by its looks which unfortunately comes at the cost of its story.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    top tier game. takes its time to flesh out the characters who have unique/interesting personalities. great cgi.decent levels of humour too. decent level of choice for different content

    pretty regular release schedule (honestly pretty quick if compared to other great games of its calibre)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games on the website and for the beginning part of the story, where the main few characters were being developed, I'd happily give it an 11/10 if I could.

    ...the problem is, the side stories, the new characters andjust the direction of development is not very good any more. The last few months have entered a phase of milking where you get excited for an update and its nothing. Again and again and again.

    The game is still pretty great for a first time playthrough:

    10/10 graphics and scenes
    10/10 core characters
    10/10 core stories

    It's just that:

    0/10 side characters and story

    Coupled with the vast amount of time spent releasing just those, for me it doesn't deserve more than 4 stars. If the dev brings the game to an end here and now and we get a quick epilogue, I think as a whole it'd be a great game. But as it is...
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5895830

    This novel really deserves more attention. The writing is okay and the story keeps you moving between lewd scenes. The models are all very beautiful and there is a large variety (possibly too many which takes away from so of the character development). The dialogue during sex scenes is pretty hot. Some animations (bj scenes with Rachel) are the absolute best; the facial expressions are ::chef's kiss:: The penetration scenes are good, but not the best (one angle, looks a little robotic). You really need the cheat mod or things get grindy. Overall, really good work!