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Ren'Py - Photo Hunt [v0.16.3 Extra] [Moochie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    For some reason I was skipping this game whenenever i saw it under ''updates'' list of games..
    But i can say that from one side i was luck because now i have good chunk of content to explore and from the other side im dissapointed i didn't play it before.

    Im not a fan of some of the ''younger'' cast character models, but i like that every character feels different and have their own thing.
    Writing is nice with some funny situations here and there, especially Evelyn(my favorite character) when she's mad. :rolleyes:

    I recommend it to everyone, if you have some time to spare - there's some ''grinding'' money but it's not that bad and you can also use the cheat code to add 500$.

    Good -
    - Characters feel different from each other, not only in the looks
    - Writing
    - Humor
    - Enjoyable freeroam

    - Playing without playthrough may make the ''grinding'' or clicking rooms part of the game a bit more annoying at times.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    this game have good characters and story but gameplay has got same issues first everything takes so much time you can't play story continuously you progress 2 event than skip one week than do 2 event and skip a week to this situation killing story.
    Second game has got some route but this route's just about small difference route isn't problem the problem is if you select diffirent route you miss content and you can't replay it again if you want to select different route you must spend so much time maybe developer is afraid of people says 'game is so short' but this issue is killing game
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty good. The design of the characters, although it did not like it very much at first glance, is very unique and apealing. The render is gorgeous and very well done. The characters are good, my personal favorite is the mom and i can't wait to se more of her,but i did not like all of them. But overall i see great potential and i realy looking foward to see more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Poh poh poh what a game! I loved everything !!

    Beautiful Land lady (sorry i don't like incest so for me the MC is ALWAYS NOT RELATED BY BLOOD) beautiful and Roomate, excellent headmistress of the school who change a lot at home.

    The MC want to fuck but in my opinion he is not a scumbag as you can see when he want to try another way to counter Alice.

    The story is average but you can see some good part.

  5. 5.00 star(s)


    this is an amazing game! I love the story! It's AWESOME! TRUST ME YOU WILL LOVE IT! You play as an small photographer who has to make different choices in order to get laid. Downloaded it and I've played it half of the other night. Great job and stay cool or become even better!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    First, what I really hate in such games have not many timeframes during the day. In this game you have only:
    Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night

    This feels weird, so
    - school and working hours (MC's Mom) are in the afternoon. Yes, schools are open also in the afternoons, but normally also in the morning.
    - jogging needs a whole afternoon or just making one picture a whole timeframe
    - it is not clear what action will jump you to the next timeframe, some do, some don't
    and many more

    This game could get much more interesting if it is divided into 1, 2 or 3 hour timeframes. Or if you can do more during the 4 timeframes.

    The renderings I liked so far. The faces show how they like you. Sadly the creator missed the chance to change their faces if you choose good or bad options during talking with someone.

    I stopped before I saw any interesting sex scenes, if there are any.

    I have no problem that the MC did something what reduce his reputation at home and school and must work up again, but must it be something sooo stupid? Little more creativity would me nice. I mean why taking such photos? Internet offers much better than such stupid photos...

    And for a beginner his smartphone camera should be even enough. Also making secretly photos of mom and sis and sell them is pretty stupid. I mean making them to learn photography and sneaking is ok, but not selling them. I don't think it would take long to get thrown out of the house by doing something like that. If the MC get more 'trust' maybe they would even accept thoses pictures, even if he take them without consent and even accept to sell them if he can lower their inhibition. But selling them online would make more sense instead of to few boys in school.

    What is so special about the camera, that the MC accept to pay every 2 weeks $135?

    It is the 0.61 version, I hope the game will get more interesting and more plausible. One reason why I gave 2 stars is mostly that I liked the renderings so far.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for the 0.5.1V.
    I'm not a english native speaker, so i cannot comment about the use of proper english.
    The game graphics are good, but i don't liked the face expressions...they're a bit odd for my taste.
    In my humble opinion there are too much grind in this game, for example, you have to boost stats like:
    + Love points with 6 (six) different characters.
    + find a character in a pre determined place and time of the day (morning, afternoon, evenning and night),
    besides that you have to earn money too because the MC owes some money and you have things to buy.
    Until now we have 6 different locations to vistit (other 9 remains locked), so the grind will increase in the future, at least the navigation system is well done and easy to use.
    I don't had any problems with the game crashing or with bugs.
    And thats it, if you like (or don't mind) grind you'll probably like this game...I don´t.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    These are the sort of games on here that I really like. The game mechanics aren't too complex and there's a bit of grinding but it's not out of control. The renders are fucking amazing and most of the girls are really hot. The story isn't great and there isn't too much in regards to animated scenes yet but I'm sure it will get there after a few more updates.

    Will definitely be keep an eye on this game, the renders alone make it one of the best I've played.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games that actually knows how to do corruption. It's not an easy genre to do but this game developer is good at it. I hope he finishes using the corruption routes first and then does the lovey dovey nonsense for those that like it later.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright, Let's start with the good points :cool::

    - Good Renders: They may look weird at start, because these days almost every game uses the same models. But the models in this game have originality and variety, but not only this they have good poses too, they not just stand there generically.

    - Game Mechanic: It's nice to see some actual "gameplay", not just a VN with some inconsequential choices that leads to the same result. Even if its simple, this game mechanic doesn't become a eternal grinding, with is a very good thing (y)

    Now let me distillate my hate a little :devilish:. The bad points:

    - Plot: Generic... I mean, its the same thing as always, reunite with the family, new city, new school, blah blah blah...

    - Dialog box: I'ts hard to know ween the MC is thinking or talking, I would recommend different font colors (maybe for the other characters too)

    - Writing: Probably the worst part of the game, we can take the cliches, but a cliche poorly written is a hard thing to swallow. This game's lack of consistent transitions is sometimes infuriating, we reach point A to C without a point B to smooth thing up, for exemple, in the intro scenes there so much info thrown in your face that if you miss a line you get completely lost, and besides the intro, there no other internal monologue, we feel like we don't really know the characters, even after we supposed to do, is't there much dialogues and they are short. I know that this game still in development and maybe the things that I mentioned can get better, but for now it's bad.

    To conclude, The game have some good and bad points, but the final result is positive, so it's worth to play and follow its development. ;)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    First and foremost, the renders are really great. The faces and the bodies are varied and are sexy, which is what one looks for in an adult VN. The animations and sex itself is sparse at the moment, but its average yet is passable enough at the moment. The story itself is fine and so is the writing, certainly nothing much to write about. The heroines have different personalities and are unique enough to separate one from the other, I do hope its improved. Its a good base at the moment.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.3.2...

    For the time being the only real thing this VN/Game has going for it is the visuals...

    The visuals are very unique, almost having a cartoon like feel to the 3D models for the characters and backdrops... They are high resolution and don't really take themselves too seriously most of the time... You can tell the artist was trying to go for a cute and comic type feel for most of the characters, with slightly exaggerated facial expressions and body language... The visual style is very well done, but that is really the best thing this VN/Game has going for it, which I'll get into...

    The script is horrible, being mostly really bad broken English with lots of misused words, spelling, and grammar mistakes... I had to re-read a lot of the text many times while going through the current content... The pacing of the introduction was also very fast and the way it played out was practically the same as I've seen in other VN/Games... Not much on the originality... After the brief introduction this VN/Game becomes a relationship grinder, with the typical location and time mechanics you see in most grinders... You also need to worry about money and other factors... For the moment, the grind isn't bad, but this VN/Game is also just getting started, so I'm unsure if it will get worse as more content comes on board... Only time will tell...

    The plot revolves around a male protagonist who moves in with his mother and younger sister after having lived with his father for several years... And of course the sister is angry with him, and the mother feels bad for not seeing him in so long... An over used family cliché... From there he gets into photography... After that point, everything becomes over the top, and I mean practically everything... From getting a camera from an old guy who is almost like a mafia loan shark, so now the protagonist owes money every two weeks (hence the money grind)… To the first day of school getting caught just walking into the girls locker room and blatantly taking a picture of the female students getting dressed and showered... Then, of course, being sent to the headmistress' office, where his mother bribes the headmistress (the developer calls it the headmaster's office, but it's a she and not a he) to let him stay in school... Everything moves at a fairly fast pace, and all the characters are fairly over the top or stereotyped... Mix all that with the highly broken English... It just made the pacing feel rushed most of the time... I think, not sure, the developer was trying to be funny with some character dialogue, but I rarely found it to be humorous... And sometimes it felt either cryptic, or there was some cultural joke being told, that most westerners would not get... In one case, what was said, could have been misconstrued as malicious, but it was hard to tell due to the poor English...

    The developers also added a form of mini-game with one of the characters, where you actually have to pay attention to, and memorize historical information learned in the library, in order to properly tutor one of the female students... I really hate when these things do stuff like that... Making players/readers waste time either writing things down or actually having to memorize a bunch of content, unrelated to the story, for later game play mechanics... Some folks may like that sort of stuff, but for me it was annoying, because you are not clued in properly, that you needed to do the information gathering step, prior to the tutoring mini-game... But I guess it is what it is...

    You can also tell fairly quickly, if not right off the bat, that this VN/Game includes the a-typical Incest setup... With peeping, walking into the bathroom to see the sister naked, perving on sleeping family members, and so forth... A set of themes used too much in these low to moderate quality VN/Games... Lack of originality...

    Overall, the visuals are the only good thing this VN/Game has going for it... With the major broken English, over the top and stereotyped characters, cliché tropes, and very fast paced story telling, this VN/Game is looking like it will most likely, just be a porn fest grinder, more then anything else... Because the text is so hard to read and understand sometimes, any attempts at humor get lost in the bad translations/interpretations... Most character setups and events are predictable, over the top, and been used before... The only real originality was the visuals and the basic concept of taking lewd photo's... Now, this VN/Game is very early into it's development, so it is possible that someday, perhaps, the text will get fixed... But I'm still of the opinion that a good VN/Game can not stand on it's visuals alone... Which for now makes this VN/Game rather poor to average, in overall quality... But I guess we'll need to wait and see what the future holds... Will I revisit this one? Maybe, but for now it needs a lot of work... If I do revisit, it will not be for a while...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders are amazing, not only are they different from most other games but they are so well done. Plus the girls also come in many different types.
    The story is pretty well done, the writing is good and so is the grammar.
    There is a bit of a grind, and if you don't boost your charisma out of the gate you wont get all the conversation topics, so I would recommend grinding out stats before starting any of the girls. Also it could use a walkthrough or tip system.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great cast of girls, both physically and charact wise diverse. The renders are great, technically and aesthetically . Posing in some renders is nothing but amazing. The story isn't something totally unseens that's gonna blow you away, but it's just a casual/silly scenario getting to know the girls and have some fun with them. Not a great fan of the mindless grind (money and skills) but thankfully you can just cheat it with console/saveedit pretty easily.

    Just missing the main dish (for now). :p This definately deserves more attention! Keep it up
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay, this is for the first Ren'py version.
    I have to say that not only has the game grown impressively, but it's also great work for the first version on a new engine.
    I encountered one bug, with a fix already available.

    I'm glad that you can go the romance route with the girls, I have no problem with blackmail, as long as the MC isn't a complete monster, but I do prefer to play a nice guy.

    What I really loved was the headmistress storyline, how it evolves from that snappy, unfriendly enemy to her cute, friendly and almost shy behaviour.
    And she looks fantastic in some of the renders.

    A little problem is that you don't have a walkthrough or a hint system (at least I didn't find it).
    I've found a lot of stuff, but I couldn't do anything with the librarian (Jennifer?) apart from helping her.
    No pictures, no romance, nothing. And I have no idea whether there actually is reachable content left or not.

    And fe. the pictures you get over the phone. All are unlocked with Lina, 3 with Monica, but only 2 with Fiona.
    What about the rest, can we unlock them already and if so what do I need to do?

    I know some people have fun playing this over and over until they find the right route or they look at the variables to unlock content etc..
    I just don't have the time for that, I want to know what to do, not stumble around aimlessly.

    All in all, with the great and unique looking ladies, with a well-written story (and I don't think the Engrish is anywhere bad, compared to some the writing here is Shakespearean ; ) ), this is a game I could very well see myself supporting, if the quality keeps up and we get regular content updates.

    This isn't a bad game by any means, but it still suffers from the usual sandbox flaws and you practically need a walkthrough to at least minimalize the boring grind. And/or chead with the console.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has Awesome modeling. And female Characters are unique. especially, Character's facial impression is much better than other games.
    But, it is so repetitive. It make player tired easily. And num of scenes is too small. this make highlighted disadvantage.

    I know that developer change game engine and he almost make new game . But there are problems in basic system of this game and it must be changed. If not, it will be hard to get popular. It's too bad to be unpopular(there are only 7 patrons). This game has plenty of potential. It could be on 1st page in popularity. Everything is depend on developer. I hope to meet this game much better in next time.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, the original renderings of this game is beautiful and detailed. If for nothing else, this is a great artistic piece. -BUT- this is not the only quality that adds a lot of value to the game. The replayability is also great, which makes this a good GAME.