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Ren'Py - Photo Hunt [v0.16.3 Extra] [Moochie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game so far. Great character design, already a lot of content, great writing, good humor and a good story. Quite unique characters and great H-scenes.
    Just need more eve corruption content
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Played for high rating and thats gone really bad for me man what the hell is this ? like Self insert ? or some really edgy MC fantasy like WTF.

    So MC edge is sharper than razor or even Drukari from W40K wtf hell is happening here he does most dumbest things without thinking and ruins story for me other than ART OR GRAPHİCS this is bad really bad i dont even udnerstand that why 4.5 star for this while many good games hardly gets 4 star this one gets 4.5 and when you see that you think this is good yet its not This is classic MC fucks everybody without reason thats it nothing more and yeah MC same as everyone other Uni games even same hair cut.

    So this is not bad dont get me wrong but its same and plus to that MC is moron and makes this game annoying if not for MC this game easy 4 star for me with sex scenes and good Graphics other than that meh.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a really fun game but I'd really like to just be able to download it now and stop having to go through miles and miles of red tape seemingly I'm not sure how many words I'm going to have to put in to get to 200 characters so I will say that my favorite character is Lena and Jennifer is a close second I also like long walks on the beach and blue skies
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Was a bit skeptical with the face aesthetics but boy was I wrong and I didn't have to worry about it! Interesting and unique characters along with the sandbox playstyle gives the game an awesome experience! I love the fact that on-top of the sandbox you can actually also choose between 2 paths for each main girl(love/corruption) at some point! The visuals are top-noch without a doubt and the writing is substantial, I think the only thing that actually needs a little improvement is the sound as in many cases it just doesn't suit what you are watching and reading but it is a minor downside.
    I would definetly recommend this game to anyone who likes sandbox games!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, this is my first 5-star rating with mixed feelings. I had a good time despite having huge issues with this game. Yeah, it is complicated but I can't justify rating it lower than 5 nonetheless.

    This game is a dating sim novel with freeroam/nonlinear elements made in Renpy. Contentwise it is enormous, a playthrough takes more than 15 hours and you have to play it again for all the content. Caveat: There are stats and money barricade to grind for certain checks and actions which may get tedious and repetitive to gain, so this takes up the huge chunk of gameplay. There is no overarching plot or story. There are 7-8 main LIs with their own subplots, which the player can choose to advance at will. Each subplot includes more characters/flings. The player has two options to shape their relationship and/or LIs future. It mainly differs in morality: a blue good-guy/moralistic or a red scumbag/opportunist option. These branch the subplots heavily. A bravo to the dev for the ambition and effort.

    -Pristine and mesmerizing renders and graphics. Really one of the best in art style, lighting etc. Never boring to look at.
    -Polished and AA UI. The game feels like built on a good budget.
    -Satisfying animations. Consist of loops with varying speeds. Could be better though.
    -Girls are goddesses. Each one is meticulously crafted (no boring preset girls that we see over and over). No bimbo fetish shit either, I'm talking idealistic beauty.
    -Girls are different in character and personality. Each one is rather cold to MC and take time to warm up to him. Almost everyone is TSUNDERE to him but there are a few other DEREs sprinkled for variety too. They may seem shallow and stereotypical at first but as subplots progress their characters develop more and more and the relationship becomes pure original. Bravo to dev on this one too.
    -Kink and fetish variety. Mainly ..cest and voyeurism but red paths include more.
    -Fluid dialogue writing.
    -A lot of big choices.

    -Dev is obsessed with dyed hair. 4-5 of the girls have purple-green hair (purple eyes on some too) WTF?
    -Sound is bland as visuals are good. Can't unsee the contrast on this one. Doesn't come close to visual quality by an inch. Soundtrack doesn't catch the mood. Muted and played with my own songs. No SFX, lewd or otherwise. Heavily affects fappability.
    -The prologue and setting is so bad. Dev has to revisit this no doubt. Nothing makes sense. Lowers my opinion of MC at the start. I even thought of giving up playing in first 5 minutes. It was badly made up to set up starting relationships of MC as mainly Tsundere as a creep/pervert. Dev can do better to achieve the same.
    -All of the game is mostly about mending the reputation of MC in eyes of LIs by helping them but the game somehow encourages and makes it somewhat compulsory to engage voyeurism and molestation kinks and to sell pictures to strangers in school in either path. I don't get it. These kinks should also be optional, may be tied to red moral path.
    -MC's character is a bit bland compared to the girls. I feel like deceiving the girls for trying to clear MC's name even with good guy choices. He doesn't feel like an unlucky guy found himself in a wrong place in a wrong time but really a pervert trying to cover its tracks either way.
    -Grind is a vital part of the gameplay. As player consumes content left and right and more locations open, player can feel overwhelmed and lost. I couldn't advance the paths by myself after a while. There are walkthroughs in game tied to in game money to unlock (so more grind) to solve this issue. I am dubious if it is a good design choice, although this is a common problem in most freeroam/nonlinear games.

    Conclusion: Even though I pointed out various issues, it is still a good game to play and I would not let myself to rate this effort and beauty lower than 5. But this is a 5 out of respect, not for impeccable excellence.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well among sandbox games this is my favorite, relation between MC and Evelyn very unique on its type.
    Other girls also designed very charmingly, there is plenty of content for each one , then after certain point intersection of love or corruption coming.
    Side characters also very intriguing ,it's crazy how good they are developed.
    I like artwork on Photo Hunt so much , also dialogues are well-written and sometimes comical which is very enjoyable.
    Also at some point game giving player the option to choose with different knowledge base which is very cool.
    Overall Photo Hunt is a great experience ,Thank you very much Moochie.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Sōsuke Aizen

    This game have the best mother son incest relationship. I really love this game so much and i can see Romance between mom and son including hugging, kissing. They are so close each other like real life and Characters Developed between them is perfect. For me This game is the Top 1 mother son incest game and Top 2 is Monkey Business game. Thanks you Developer for this amazing game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games out there,
    really beautiful how moochie has improved with the renders and images,
    and very good how the different stories evolve.

    and i can 't name single girl who doesn't look gorgeous,
    our cute little sister rachel,the beautiful fiery fiona,
    our childhood friend jennifer ,the beautiful asian twins,
    so i can name them all,because they are all beauties.

    really moochie,
    you are doing a fantastic job,keep it up,
    and it will be a masterpiece of a game in the end !!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This was a hard game to rate. At times it is pretty good, the mechanics work pretty well and there is reasonable variety. The art is pretty good too. The problems arise around how often the game forces lesbians or other things onto the main Lis. The story such as it is works well enough but the constant attempts by the dev to introduce ntr really gets irritating. The game is supposed to offer choices but so often the choices aren't there as lesbians do the stupidest things to your main LIs and there is nothing you can do. The action with Evelyn is well developed until some bizarre thing happens and the whole thing goes out the window. Parts of the game are well done actually as the story sometimes has a little more realistic limit. It's easy to forget the bad points of this game until the dev decided to throw everything out the window. I think this game kind of proves the point that either go full ntr or actually give the player a choice. The main Li doesn't really have any consistent character which really kills the story and any kind of love route becomes pointless. The path is a pretty long one as the Lis and the Mc get more comfortable with each other. It works pretty good but again suddenly your Li will start something with another woman like it's just the norm. I think the story and progression become kind of pointless after that.

    It's almost like different people wrote the script and then they just threw it together. I never made it to home base with the Mom because suddenly the MC is pushing her into porn. Why have a love route only to do stupid things like this? There is a choice when it comes to some things like the daughters boyfriend which is good but they kind of make it moot if Evelyn does porn "to pay the bills". I'm not sure this is a must as it was started by talking to the main Li during the day. It doesn't really matter though as the dev loves FF so it happens fairly regularly and Evelyn doesn't really seem to mind that a salesgirl comes up and sniffs her pussy and then molests her. Even if the player avoids the male ntr there is still a lot of FF you can't avoid so really it amounts to the same thing for me.

    The mechanics of the game are decent though for a sandbox type game. There are random interactions with the characters as you move around which I thought were mostly pretty good. However again characters progression is linked to other characters who you might not be interested in. Those characters usually have some kind of eye on your love interests so you can't progress with your main choice without triggering a second character to do stuff you won't like. I still give the game a three for the times it was pretty good but unless you like ntr/ff you probably won't like this game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A game from the top of the list for me.
    In brief - good models, good writing and a decent story.
    Different girl characters and also the mechanics of selecting a path that, in some cases, significantly changes the character of the girl.
    Cross dependency when different character stories depend on each other.
    You should keep in mind that all the stories are not over yet and in some cases you wont get to the action (previous reviewer was stressed by Grace story).
    This is a definitely must play if you are ok with the mentioned tags.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I have got mixed feelings about this game. Writing is good, story is mediocre (nothing original about it). I liked relationship built-ups. But let me tell you this. I almost quitted and deleted this game after i reached my first end of content route. Yes, i started with Grace. Without having an actual sex after all those grinds and quests, content for da woman ended abrubdtly. Almost smashed the monitor, i took a break and started Fiona and thank fuck i did. My favorite type of girl. Lioness towards everyone but a kitty towards me. Quickly became my all time favorite girls ever.

    I finished a full playthrough before i rated this game btw. I searched every event and even downloaded the walkthrough mod to not miss anything.

    But i wanted to ask this question. What will happen in the future. All the main girls are really good but they dont seem to sharing kind. Which usually the case with irl woman, too and this game is not a fantasy type game it seems. We are not just simply dating them, we are falling for them and they are falling for us, too. Evelyn literally dumped his husband for the same reason we are doing right now and we are bonding so hardcore with her as we do with every other girl. I know, game has harem tag(God, i hate that genre) but romance part is so much stronger. Those girls are not willing slaves for your future harem plans which brings a huge plot hole for the future. Im really worried about this part and hoping for a way to break up some of them and move towards a monogomist cool man option. May be it could work with 2-3 girls but the whole town as a harem. I dont think this wont work for this game.

    Animations are great but could use some more. Most of the adult scenes are just static images. Voice acting and sounds of sex would be amazing but i dont think its gonna happen with Renpy game.

    Overall, this game has potentiel. 3 out 5 for me. Which is an amazing score considering i have only 6-7 games i even remotely like in this forum out of thousands of games i looked and tried. Peace out.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I actually enjoy this game, the girls look great and have very unique personalities, the MC isn't a total moron, and everything is, for the most part, realistic and entertaining.
    What bothers me though is the scheduling. Not that it has the 'day cycle / activities' dating sim route, that's actually what I love about it, but all of the characters have like the SAME slots to get stuff done: Weekend Afternoon. Which means I have to skip through the week to get to the two days where I can advance two out of the dozen or so character's routes at a time. This is just annoying. This is a harem game, dammit, let me explore all options and don't just pigeon-hole everything into one time slot on the weekends.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is immersive but it could learn a thing or two in games like "Insight of You" and "Pale Carnation" where there are fewer girls to select from but due to the small number, the dev could focus on the girl's progression much more. 3 stars is coming from the sentiment that it's such a good game. Good renders, immersive storyline, hot scenes. The dialogue is a bit off sometimes but passable. However, due to how slow pacing is, I'll probably only know this game as a constant WIP. Feels like I'm watching Detective Conan/One Piece. Really loved it and followed it. But due to the pacing, I'm slowly losing interest.

    For example, it's been a while since we saw progress on Monica and Fiona's individual routes. While I really enjoyed the progress on girls like Rachel, Evelyn, Chan Mi, and Kira as of recent, it starts making me think that the girls' stories will only have more content in 1.5-2 years. Given how much time needs to be spent in writing and rendering each girl's story.

    "Insight of You" only has 3 main girls. Much fewer compared to Photo Hunt but it doesn't take away from the immersion. If anything, it adds to it. There's progress for each girl in almost every update. So development feels fast.

    I like the quality of this game but I'm not a fan of how slow the progress is for each girl. The slow progression is really holding it back for me. At this point, I could only hope that Moochie hires people to speed it up. Because personally, I don't see it ending in 2 years. Who knows, I might be living an entirely different lifestyle by the time this game ends to the point where it's not on my radar anymore.

    Btw, I get why the pacing is slow. It takes a lot of time to code, render, write, and test the update. On top of that, Moochie has to make sure the patreon rewards are fulfilled every month. I understand why it's slow, but it doesn't change the fact that it is and to me as a player, that's what is taking away so much from the game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Wish I could give this 4,5 stars, because it isn't "perfect".
    The artstyle is unique and it has a decent story. My main problem with this game is that there are to many characters you don't really care about. So for me the Focus is of alot of the time. It has alot of content, but alot of it I don't care for. But it is an amazing game try it!.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I would like this game more if it wasn't because it has some inconsistencies in the relationships between some characters, especially Rachel and Evelyn, who despite being your family, the game makes it look normal that you can touch their tits or butt (for example) from the beginning of the game this makes the taboo lose its appeal a bit imo, I think the only character that does not suffer much from this and with whom its development is more natural is grace, the rest all suffer from this problem to a greater or lesser extent measure

    and as for positive things, the renders are very good and original, the personalities of the girls are very attractive and varied (and I think that is one of the great reasons that makes this game good), the writing is fun, and there is a lot of content . In short, there are several things that I would like to see improved, but despite that, it is still a good game, so I recommend it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm curious why this game doesn't have an even higher rating? The writing is good. The art is good. The relationship w/ the Mom and Sister are amazing.

    Back to the writing it's three-dimensional. Especially with the mom. Who is having a mid-life crisis, a complete bad ass, and funny.

    Whatever. Great game. Always excited to see it updated.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game!
    A lot of content. Each update consists of 200-400 (and sometimes more) good renders and good animations. The game has its own, unique visual style.
    Interesting storyline. Most of the storylines are coming together as a whole.
    The grind is present, yes, but the game tries by all means to reduce it.
    The sound is very unobtrusive, a couple of nice tunes.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent renders (but far from spectacular in any sense).

    Story rubbed me the wrong way (for e.g. selling photos of your alcoholic and vulnerable mom, without batting an eye).

    Mostly though, the fucking grind is atrocious, even with cheats and wt-mod, and content per hour (even while skipping 90% of the dialogue) is extremely low.

    IMHO, extremely overrated game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't pay close attention to this game because I only like a few characters but I remember around the time when this first came out. I think it's come a long way since then.
    • Renders look better
    • The MC looks for like someone's weasel-y sidekick than a MC but he lives in a bitchin' house so it's all good.
    • I really like the setting. I have no idea where that could be based off of but all the places look amazing.
    • The story's mostly coherent and interesting enough to be engaging.
    • There's A LOT of content
    • Grammar and spelling have improved
    • Really liked the latest Grace update. Wish it could've gone longer but I also think it ended in a good place at least.
    Sometimes I feel like there are multiple people writing this because the grammar/spelling as well as the different slang used can be all over the place at certain points. Though that might be just because it's a sandbox and I have no way of telling which specific scenes might have been worked on at a later point in development or it's still something from earlier updates.
    There are some good and bad but no real complaints. It's just that I'd personally prefer more Grace and Melanie content. Also some of the characters look great while others like Fiona for example are just ... oof.
    I get that I'd be skipping a lot of content if I just chose to "stay friends" with some those characters but the main thing that keeps me from really paying attention to this game really is the mountain of scenes for those characters while the ones I like are few and far between.
    It's just a meaningless gripe because I'm just one person and it's subjective but that's mostly the reason why I'm giving it a 4 and why I can't be bothered to pay more attention to this.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: [0.41.1]

    I played 'Photo Hunt' for the first time around 2 years ago, it was a pretty solid experience and i'd rate it a 4/5, probably.
    In the last couple of days I played it again, and now I'm debating between a 2 and a 3.

    First of all - lets talk about the good stuff.
    The renders and animations are very solid, the cast of VN is wide and diverse, sex is done well, a bit short most of the time though.

    Now, let me ask you a question.
    I have no freaking clue and it pisses me off.
    Most (all?) LI's progression is simply locked behind progression with other LI's (which is awful, by the way) so it's not about choice.
    The whole 'go to point X at 12PM' is, as always, awful and serves no purpose other than inflating 'play'-time, and DEAR GOD it gets worse and worse as you progress.
    At some point at least 60% of the things you need to do can only happen at weekends afternoon, so 2 'time blocks' every week. now, some of the characters (like Lina) plotlines takes 20+ weekend afternoon events. so yah, that's a whole bunch of weeks of skipping to progress.
    It's not like you can just do it whenever when doing other things, because as I said earlier PROGRESSION IS LOCKED BEHIND OTHER LI'S PROGRESSION.
    So yah, have fun waiting for freaking Lina to have some time over the weekend for 7 weeks to be able to progress, it's so awful it taints the whole experience.

    There's pretty much no story, some uninteresting plotlines with mostly cardboard characters, mom has troubles at work, sister loves-hates you, the girl that comes from money is cold and bitchy but warms up to you, etc.
    If you've played any AVN at all, you've probably seen it all already.
    The dialogues are fine, but are often endless conversations about nothing important which gets pretty boring while you grind meaningless events to progress.
    Writing-wise 'Photo Hunt' is serviceable, nothing more, nothing less. if you like a good story, or amazingly written characters - look elsewhere.

    The cast of LI's is too wide, especially in context of how grindy and inflated this VN is.
    Let's take grace for example - she just got a huge update (and they don't come too often), she gets probably 1.5-2 hours of screen time, of grinding 'help sort out documents' at the hospital, etc... the payoff? sleeping rapey-fondling, and some grinding action.
    That's it???? oh well, guess i'll come back in 2 years for the next time she'll get some meaningful content.
    'Photo Hunt' does that a lot by the way, a huge build up just to stick you with 'come back later for more content :)' just before the payoff. it pisses me off more than it makes me want to come back in the future.

    Menus are not great , and the in-game walkthrough might as well not exist with how often you need to use it and how clunky it is to get to it. thank god there's a great walkthrough mod out there.

    Overall there's some good stuff in here, unfortunately its locked behind awful grind, terrible sandbox execution, a bunch of meaningless dialogue and events, the developer baiting with 'lost'-level cliffhangers, and in the grand scheme of things - just isn't wort it in my honest opinion.
    It really did leave me with a sour taste, and it's truly disappointing to see this is the direction this VN took, since I thought it had a lot of potential.