Ren'Py - Photo Hunt [v0.16.3 Extra] [Moochie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the better sandbox experiences I've played. I still don't think I managed to find everything! There is a little bit of a grind, but it wouldn't feel right just being handed the content right away + it's easy once you figure out how to play properly.

    10/10 renders + loving the animations. I can't imagine the amount of work/time that has to be put into it to create this. I can't wait to see how the stories continue as this project develops further!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.9.2b

    - Great Renders and Original female characters models
    - Good sex scenes

    - Grind
    - Boring gameplay

    It's a game with a unique visual, with good renders of the girls and good sexuality between them.
    A good part of the story I started to lose interest, so, I started not to follow the dialogues anymore. Anyway, I didn't think the story very interesting, something that makes you arrest or be curious. But that does not mean that it is bad, maybe it is the fact of not wasting time because the game has a lot of grind.
    Photo Hunt's gameplay isn't one of the best, but it's also not too bad. Basically, I thought it a little badly organized, because the way of playing is a little tiring. You will appropriately have to do 4 acts per day, in the morning you talk to the MC’s mother or the MC’s sister, then come in for the afternoon, and so on… I don’t really like this type of gameplay, I prefer something that you can interact with everyone and then skip the time.
    Another thing is that the gameplay has a lot of grind and it ends up getting tiring to keep playing, I particularly gave up on it.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The graphics are very unique, I thought them very well rendered and I really liked them. The sex scenes are good, but I realized that there are not many scenes for some certain characters. In this, I felt that something was missing, because you grind so much and it arrives at the time of the reward you end up being a little disappointed. Overall, the game has satisfying scenes, but it's something that you feel you could have more and better.

    So, why I did gave 2 stars?
    The game is good, it looks very promising. But unfortunately I didn't enjoy the story very much, it didn't arrest or captivate me a lot. The gameplay I didn't like very much, because I saw that it takes a lot of your time to progress because of the grinding, you need to interact with the girls slowly, because the gameplay is like this, interact each time and not in a single time and spend the time and go to the next process. Anyway, unfortunately I gave it a 2 star rating, maybe it is unfair, but as the renders are great and I liked it, the game was not what I expected it to be. So, I think it could be better and I hope that in the future it will happen. But, I didn't feel what every porn game has, which is slutty.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    the renders look original, probably a lot of work has gone into them, but when most of the female characters are either average looking or plain repulsive, originality alone doesn't count for much. ironically the two most attractive girls in the game, skylar and grace, have not even been properly integrated into the story after 1.5 years of development. the writing is ok but nothing special and sometimes the dialogs or inner monologs drag on unnecessarily. the dialogs with the sister in the geisha club were close to unbearable at times (it was also ridiculous that she wouldn't recognize her own bother despite the mask). same with the exchanges with jennifer, who in any case is an incredibly boring and cliche character. humor was present and probably the only above average aspect of the game. music is repetitive and annoying, so i had to turn it off. there are no sound effects and that's a big minus, especially for an ambitious game like this. what all in all bothered me most though, is the assumption of the dev that everybody is willing and happy to play his game repeeatedly from scratch to see all of the content available. while it may be true for some players, missing out on a lot of stuff because you have chosen one path and not the other(s), is not a great prospect for some like me. the best games out there are still the more or less linear ones, which don't punish you for your choices in the form of locking you out of a lot of content. despite the obvious effort put into everything, this was a fairly disappointing experience for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    SCP 001

    The main selling points for this game are: lots of content, frequent updates to the game, great renders, unique character models and the quality of the animations. It's also great that the dev added a scene gallery in 0.9; prior to that I had to save at lewd scenes and important story cross-roads in the game, leading to a convoluted save menu. At some points I found the grinding to be rather tedious, but this was softened by the intertwining of some grinding mechanics with nsfw content: you earn money with (eventually quite lewd) photoshoots.

    All in all, I'd recommend this game both because of the quality and the quantity of content in this game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great! honestly everything im looking for in an adult game. i do wish there was a little more diversity in the models. the music is bad but thats not a big deal, just put on your own music.. all in all its 5 stars, Don't think just download
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 581764

    This is a rather peculiar game and I'll skip right to the pros and cons.

    1) Good grammar
    2) Story not so bad
    3) Visuals are quite good (not counting the faces on the characters)
    4) Music is relaxing in some way (sounds very familiar)

    1) Models look very weird and creepy especially with their eyes.Also it gives me the impression that some of them are way underage which is disturbing .
    2) Grinding...Yup.Grinding in an adult game.Not huge like in some other games but it's definitely there and it will slowly eat you alive (metaphorically )

    Conclusion:Not one of the best,but not one of the worst.However I don't recommend it unless you enjoy grinding.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Photo? in name of game. Dude, I don't know how Dev created such wonderful images, body curves,veins,little wrinkles...bodies looks so realistic. (Maybe except big eyes)

    Thank you for no-name tags on text (portraits of characters) so Ren'Py self voicing won't ruin atmosphere by constantly telling character names.

    I didn't expect good characters to be honest, every girl has their own personality. Little stories all around game and relation between other characters are remarkable. Generally in these games I have clear image who I want to be with but in this one, I can't choose? Evelyn? Rachel? Fiona? Jennifer? Good work on that

    Overall I would suggest this game to everyone. One of the best games I have ever played.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greatest game out there at the moment, lots of content, high-quality renders. Updates have been regular so far, I´m looking forward to see more. The Main character - Evelyn - couldn´t have been more interesting.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Sharzii シャルジイ

    +Renders are unique and quite beautiful. They are well detailed and focused, so as far as the art goes, its top-notch
    + Immersion is quite well planned out. There are various paths for various characters. The story progression keeps getting better each and every update.
    + Music is also quiet soothing at times. The team of dev really put their all-in for the game so yeah its worth every second.
    10/10 would recommend
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game! So many possibilities, things to do and paths to follow in the open-world plan, that it might give you a headache. Couldn't stop playing it for two days, still managed to miss a few messages, but definitely worth the time. Anxiously waiting for updates!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    High quality, bright and bubbly erotic fantasy. There's a bit of grinding, but it's never to excess. The game itself has an original mechanic: you get money by getting new scenes with girls and snapping their pics. Then you sell these pics to a couple of idiots that hang out at your school's bathroom.

    Although the setting is not realistic (and doesn't intend to be, it's all more like a really good teenage horny dream), it gave off a very sweet, warm feeling and was well-thought out.

    rated 4/5 because in quite a few places "Photo Hunt" kind of skipped straight to the sexy parts, in its story - without appropriately building up the anticipation and all, in the player. The girls are also not especially believable as far as their personalities (they're all pretty basic), but they're cute and loveable which's the most important thing. Enjoyable game, would recommend!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN is my personal favorite..
    10/10 in art OMG beautiful female character
    Storyline is good with lots of content but some time is hard to find them
    Overall this game is awesome.
    I personally suggest you to play and help dev in patreon because this game has lots of potential
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Art 10/10 (beautiful art, no complaints)
    Story 10/10 (pretty unique and interesting, no complaints)
    Grammar 10/10 (have yet to see a mistake or type)
    Gameplay 7/10 (good, but it's so easy to make mistakes and miss content it's not even funny)

    I really love this game, there is a lot of content and plenty of routes and niches for everyone to enjoy and also there is always options so you don't have to go on routes you don't like (though you may have to progress on character's you don't like depending on your tastes). My only real complaint is how easy it is to make massive mistakes or do something without realising how significant the choice was (example being at one point a small question which looks normal affects whether or not a character becomes a model apparently) - it's also ridiculously easy to miss content, like you will play the game and then check back in and realise you missed like a dozen scenes because you didn't select specific options. Really would like to see a co-ordinated walkthrough where even if it's not detailed it explains all the significant choices currently present and how to get all the content.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually dont write ratings but this game, especially after v0.9.1.
    it blown my mind story/plot wise. this game is true art in so many ways.
    the quality of the story and render is S-Tier. the gameplay and gui is smooth
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Fake Name Real Money

    This is the most visually stunning adult game available. The renders are STUNNING (animations too). The writing is good too. On top of being absolutely stunning, it also has the best and most unique variety of girls, both visually and personality wise.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. Everyone should at least try this game.
    Looks like developer/s loves what they are doing. The content is good. Character desing is good. Never had performance issues. But would like to see more content every update.

    Solid 5/5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    photo hunt has an excelent story and renders.
    the game mechanics are nice and you can play it in 'easy mode' with the mod and do away with grinding especially if you're looking to explore the various story lines.
    A nice variety of characters and actively developed.
    The tutorial seems out of date but I suppose if you pay through patreon the version there is up to date.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game so far. Great character design, already a lot of content, great writing, good humor and a good story. Quite unique characters and great H-scenes. In my opinion one of the best Ren'Py games I've played so far.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with minor flaws, some of which could be fixed by trimming or removing the grind and the stat requirements which are trivial but not really adding much to the game and adding a more detailed journal.

    The renders and character models are great with plenty well made intimate scenes and I really liked the character design which reminds me of a better-looking Bioshock character model design. The story is fairly simple but the characters and their personal stories are what makes the game interesting with plenty of interactions with them. For example one of the characters, the mother of the protagonist who is a sarcastic drunk and a businesswoman whose attitude and interactions towards the MC alone made the game very entertaining for me and stand out from the typical characters featured in most VN's.

    Overall a fun adult VN with a very simple story that primarily focuses on characters and various interactions with them.