2.30 star(s) 10 Votes


Nov 23, 2017
lots of dead end links and it's purely text based and incest based...real porn tag needs to be removed as currently as stated before this is text based only right now
Nov 3, 2017
Hey, so like most people here, I played the old version of this and it was the first time I saw a story with so much potential get abandonded. I love that you have come back and I love the concept and where this could go.

That all being said, I do think that starting out so ambitiously is not a great idea. Playing it at the moment, is very disincentivising as you see a path that you like and quickly come accross a dead end. I would much rather have 1 character fully fleshed out than 50 half made ones.

I do love the long term goal of having them all, but I feel like it needs to be valued as what it currently is rather than what it hopefully will be.

Also, I feel like its a bit too unrealistic with how sex is portrayed. I understand that its an erotica and so there is an expected level of disbelief. But the fact that you can just go up to your family members and ask for sex and they agree, is too much for me. I loved the pacing of the old story, where you had to spend the day with the member and prepare them for the event. It made the event feel earned and not just activated.

In summay, I hope you stick with it and make this game live up to the legacy, but its currently falling a bit flat.


New Member
Sep 20, 2017
It's gonna require a lot of work but as a revival project I wish you a lot of luck mate it's been a looooooooong time.


Jun 12, 2017
Good luck! After some work i think it will be great but currently its not worth playing.
May 17, 2022
Hi all,

I am the original ID, just been years so I couldn't recover my account as it has an old phone number. To address a few things:

- Yeah, there's a lot of dead text. Honestly no way around this unless I just gray out nonviable options (which will some effort). Will potentially consider this for upcoming releases.
- I'm surprised how many people remember my story. Thought it'd disappear into the void.
- Yeah, there is a issue with suspension of disbelief, however with infinite possibilities, I think the early morning stuff is fine. You're not supposed to get it on your first few tries as the chance are typically in the single digits. However with infinite possibilities, I don’t think it’s too far-fetched. There are some other story elements that explain some of it but it’ll come later.
- In terms of writing, there’s just so much to do. I try to tackle one story at a time but once I run out of ideas, I jump onto other branches to keep things going. It’d probably remain that way for a bit. Hopefully in the next few releases the game loops well enough.
- Non-family NTR is harder to do as I believe NTR requires strong emotional/social connections and your character doesn't really have that outside of family. If anything, there's voyerism that will have NTR options. Like, talking with someone and really liking them and then they get picked up by someone else kind of deal. We will have to see.
- I don't know how to remove real porn tag. I didn't set them, or at least I don't think I did.
- I will look into subscribestar as someone suggested but I'm not entirely sure if this falls within their terms and conditions also. Essentially, patreon said no incest and no rape. I know some other games that are on patreon with those things as options and I may need to do that, but it'd be more difficult as the game is heavily based around incest.
- I have grown a lot these past few years and looking at my old stuff is kind of cringy. Haha, I suppose that is a good thing as it hopefully means development. I am trying to keep things less porn-y (at least for the things that shouldn't be) but it's the nature of adult erotica so I may only be able to do so much.

I don't really have a schedule to follow, I just want to work on this full time and flesh it out. There's much more I'd like to say but let's leave it for another update. Thanks. Peace.


Jan 23, 2017
Hi all,

I am the original ID, just been years so I couldn't recover my account as it has an old phone number. To address a few things:

- Yeah, there's a lot of dead text. Honestly no way around this unless I just gray out nonviable options (which will some effort). Will potentially consider this for upcoming releases.
- I'm surprised how many people remember my story. Thought it'd disappear into the void.
- Yeah, there is a issue with suspension of disbelief, however with infinite possibilities, I think the early morning stuff is fine. You're not supposed to get it on your first few tries as the chance are typically in the single digits. However with infinite possibilities, I don’t think it’s too far-fetched. There are some other story elements that explain some of it but it’ll come later.
- In terms of writing, there’s just so much to do. I try to tackle one story at a time but once I run out of ideas, I jump onto other branches to keep things going. It’d probably remain that way for a bit. Hopefully in the next few releases the game loops well enough.
- Non-family NTR is harder to do as I believe NTR requires strong emotional/social connections and your character doesn't really have that outside of family. If anything, there's voyerism that will have NTR options. Like, talking with someone and really liking them and then they get picked up by someone else kind of deal. We will have to see.
- I don't know how to remove real porn tag. I didn't set them, or at least I don't think I did.
- I will look into subscribestar as someone suggested but I'm not entirely sure if this falls within their terms and conditions also. Essentially, patreon said no incest and no rape. I know some other games that are on patreon with those things as options and I may need to do that, but it'd be more difficult as the game is heavily based around incest.
- I have grown a lot these past few years and looking at my old stuff is kind of cringy. Haha, I suppose that is a good thing as it hopefully means development. I am trying to keep things less porn-y (at least for the things that shouldn't be) but it's the nature of adult erotica so I may only be able to do so much.

I don't really have a schedule to follow, I just want to work on this full time and flesh it out. There's much more I'd like to say but let's leave it for another update. Thanks. Peace.
Thank you! I think it speaks to the quality of your work that so many people remember it fondly. Honestly so many of these text games are subliterate garbage; when something good comes along, it stands out.

Anyway, even though it's pretty sparse at this point, I really like the direction this remake is headed. Just love the interactivity. And it's so cool that "failing" can sometimes lead to alternate pathways and interesting storylines. Of course, this increases the complexity and the amount of writing that you have to do immensely. But know that all of us are rooting for you! Hope you'll be sticking with it!
Aug 23, 2016
I couldn't get any new scenes during afternoon or evening with Kelly, while playing as a Male, but when switching to Female was able to get some scenes in the afternoon, but still none in the evening.

Unless there are certain variables I'm missing in order to trigger the scene, in the afternoon and evening.
May 17, 2022
I couldn't get any new scenes during afternoon or evening with Kelly, while playing as a Male, but when switching to Female was able to get some scenes in the afternoon, but still none in the evening.

Unless there are certain variables I'm missing in order to trigger the scene, in the afternoon and evening.
I took another look, I may be wrong about what parts I updated. I'll try and clean things up and might do a re-upload. Thanks for letting me know.
Jun 5, 2022
I remember reading this on textadventures long ago. Loved the concept and what was available. Glad to see it coming back.
2.30 star(s) 10 Votes