HTML - Sex and Sex Again Revival [v2406A] [IcarusDragon]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    At this stage there is very little this introduction to a game can offer. The links are mostly a broken mess, the writing in there sex scenes are mediocre at best and there are no plot developments on display.

    Find better use of your time elsewhere.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game not worth anyone's time, it's broken and often leads to dead ends, and there's a lot of coding errors, I don't understand how a game can be released in this state.

    In one instance it referred to MC's older sister as "him" and was referring to "his tits" and shit like that, a lot of choices just lead to a blank screen, or to text reading "double click to write". On top of that the game mechanics themselves are poorly explained, and the choices in the sex scenes are random taking away a lot player control.

    Seriously dev, playtest your game before you release it, even if it takes longer it's something you must to do.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Currently this game is unplayable garbage. More than every other path is a dead end. Trying to play it means constantly trying to not get thrown down a path to nowhere while navigating the broken sex system. This is the bed of chaos of trashy twine porn.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    this game like most primarily text based games has potential but as of v2401a {conceptual} and it's older 'playable' version this game is still a massive mess of broken code and dead end paths/links, lets hope that in yet another year or 2 that coding mess and dead end paths/links, though personally i'm not getting my hopes up as it seems to almost be getting worst as the maker of the game adds more stuff but doesn't seem to be fixing what's broken which is a shame
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    For a text game that was in development since 2015 this has no redeeming qualities beyond original idea. Barely any content, dead links at every corner, fixing one path seemingly breaks two others. In a time frame author didn't bother to learn twine or put any actual effort in their game new human is born, grows, goes to school and in several more years could potentially make their own game. Even most slow-burning patreon-sucking games out there are leagues ahead of in adding content, to the point where this can hardly considered development at all.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this...

    My only complaint is with very good art on the banner, why don't you actually use them in every scene of your game??

    For now I'll put a 4 stars, and will put a 5 when images/gifs are added within the game
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Many words and unfinished paths.

    -Story, Originality
    Some little story about time rewind.

    There should be pictures, but I didn't see any.

    No sounds.

    There are a lot of paths, but all of them end ubruptly with no logical point to end.
    Usually you make 1 or all characters until a certain logical point.
    Here are neither.

    It works.

    Some scenes are ended with parts of the next scene.

    Only words.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    There is plenty of content, but there are too many words.
    It would be better to chop all the long scenes into smaller ones with some pictures.

    Hopefullythis game grows and have pictures and logical "under development" endings of unfinished content.
    Now there are so many variations of scenes and all of them end on a mid-point...
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = interesting Choose Your Own Adventure game, but very unfinished. Many broken or unfinished paths.

    Story: 3/5
    + Game starts very well, but story is not very deep.
    + There are many paths you can follow.
    - Unfortunately 99% of those paths end really fast (no sex). You will encounter many unfinished placeholders (usually Black screen or "Double-click this passage to edit it." )
    - I dont understand whats the point of making SO MANY paths, when they all end really early after few screens. Just make few paths and make them deeper with a lot of content.

    Gameplay: 0/5
    + This is typical HTML game where you click on some text to proceed.
    - Unfortunately game is very unfinished. There are a lot of broken links, empty placeholders, missing variables and missing <if> statements.
    - There must be some content hidden in this game, but it is hidden REALLY WELL. If you dont know on what choices to click, then you will never find it.
    - My statistics after playing this game: I have played for almost 2 hours and during that time I have seen only 1 masturbation scene!!! Everything else ended in some dead end (empty placeholder or a bug). After so many broken paths I had given up.

    Art: ?/5
    - This is text only game.
    + If you are fine without images then this is for you.
    - If you need pictures then stay away.

    To sum it up:
    This game has some potential, but it is very unfinished. At this point it is pointless to play. Maybe check this later after few updates.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it. Huge incest focus and an interesting infinite realities mechanic at play. IcarusDragon doesn't shy away from the darker elements either like rape or drugs if thats your kink, but going by the older version won't ignore the lovey dovey approach either. Well written and unique up and coming game with a lot of potential.

    5 stars. Looking forward to future updates.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is in very early stages, but has great potential. The looping story idea is one I find very intriguing. Incest is very important in this game and a category I love. Currently in the game there is no pictures which I prefer. As the game stands I have played it quite a few times and the sex scenes are very well written.