Unity - !Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend [v0.87.11] [Incontinent Cell]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, I hope there will be some content where you let others use her at some point but I don't care if there won't be any at the end of production. Game is great tho and I recommend anyone play it atleast until day 17, there isn't much after 30 yet so I'll get back to it when it's done
    Likes: Donjo
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, here's hoping my first review is even worth it, lol.

    In games, I consider there to be 4 main aspects. A game can succeed with just one, but the more of them it has, the better. Visuals, Story, Gameplay, Characters (and development of them).

    I know the game is still in beta, 0.69 (funny number), yet it still has so much to offer.

    First, the visuals: Absolutely no complaints. She looks adorable as fuck, and while someone like the landlord looks mediocre, it fits with some of the comedic moments the game has.

    The Story
    As far as I could gather from my 20 day playthrough, it's pretty solid. I don't want to spoil anything, but there are definitely moments where you get attached to your sexbot, and I hope to see more like this. Maybe even a point where she exists for other reasons than to stick your dick in. Of course that's not something I expect since it is a porn game.

    Nice. I have one small complaint, but I'll get to that after the good. The hunger and the energy aspects feel really well balanced, I had to figure out that overeating wasn't such a good idea with quite the funny event, so.. yea. My sanity seemed completely and utterly fucked, with no way of improving it, until I had my therapy session and got the medicine unlocked. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but I can see how this can come into play in later versions. Interacting with the robot and having her develop and update her emotions was really cool. I hope there'd be more dialogue options other than small talk, though. But that's for the future.

    My one complaint is in regards to the money system. I know there are currently plenty of ways to get money, but it feels painful to grind the same thing over and over. I know the crypto part is probably randomized, but mine just kept increasing and increasing in value, making it impossible for me to really buy anything and profit off of it. Whenever I did buy something, it started dropping, so I had to go with the gambling. The only thing to spend my money on, were the parts, which... I obviously wanted. There wasn't really a sense of accomplishment. She didn't react to when she got the parts at all, which... after grinding for a week in the slots, I was hoping for something. But only after spending 60k-ish on two legs, was there any real merit. I didn't personally see it as worth it to spend over 100k on a single part for her, just so I could customize the color. Efter spending on the hair, the skin and the flesh I realized this.

    In terms of playtime, I played up to the 20 days during one day irl, but I hadn't gotten everything. I didn't bother getting the most expensive things for her, since I didn't feel like it was worth it.

    The Characters
    The star of the show is obviously the cute robot, so I'll start with her. I rarely get attached to characters in games and such, but much like another game where you take care of a girl, this game actually manages to do that. And that alone is really amazing. At first I was thinking I had to go buy some module to get her to be more interactable, but after a couple of days, she updated on her own. During a later event, it feels like she starts getting more important, so high hopes there. Seeing her develop is a really cool mechanic, which I honestly wasn't expecting.

    The landlord is a pretty great character to. The other characters that exists are also really well established. The main character is also relatable, especially during the therapy event.

    Other... things
    I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for updates for this game, since I feel like I reached a wall. There's plenty of content, and even if there isn't anything else story-wise, it still has great replayability. Voice acting would be phenomenal, but alas it doesn't need it. It's already a 10/10 game. The sound design that was there, was also great.

    This game is amazing and anyone who has the time to, should play it. It has a lot of potential, with or without the sex, the story is really engaging and the characters are all great, even the ones that are made to be annoying.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game might be a gem in the making.

    There is already a certain depth to many characters, and the way is already paved for further developement of the storyline.

    I really like the 4chan-inspired over the top American dystopia depicted in the game, the references are there and I love them. The humor and the situations are enjoyable, while retaining credibility, and making an overall believable universe.

    The game's concept of having sex while streaming with livechat to make a living is original, and the abundance of live chat comments ripped from Twitch and 4chan is awesome.

    Only issue at the moment is that I loved it for everything, except the porn, which is not very varied, but then again, this is a very early version.

    Also, a kind of mail notification would be appreciated so we don't miss any, since they are important elements of the story ^^

    Anyway, absolutely loved the few hours I sunk into this game as in 0.60
    Keep it up, OP!

    This is really nice!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    If done right this gonna be a really great game. The direction where its heading is good and really enjoyed it so far.
    Because its still an initial release, its understandable but till now things i found to be improvable would be the food system and income.
    At the beginning foods are too expensive and the gains from it isnt worth it even with the most epensive food the mc still sh*tting his own pant xD.
    About the income i really like the streaming so far and it motivates to do naugthy things with bot. naugthy things are good and find but if u gain something from it, it makes things even better :D
    what i want to say is that buying stocks is too broken, it makes other activities kinda meaningless. now i have like 10mil only from buying stocks.
    Because of that i rarely touch my bot and in one of the dialog she even asked if i have become a religion man lol

    PS: Still a great game so far, hope in the future its content wouldnt be like grinding for sex(like many other games) but more like sex for more sexes

    PSS: if GM read this pls dont pressure yourself because of this
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute art, interesting and comedic commentary that makes fun of every kind of group instead of singling out certain ones. Gameplay loop is a bit basic and confusing at first, but it's probably for the best that it stays simple until the foundation is ready. Overall great potential much like everyone else has said, so good luck to the developers and try not to burn yourself out trying to meet everyone's expectations. Consistency is better than rapid development and then nothing for months.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I often see reviews of early builds talking about how a game has 'a lot of potential', but I feel like this game is going to actually be something special.

    It's pretty atmospheric and certainly lives up to its dystopian title. It includes some funny social commentary which mocks the modern world. As another review said, it does feel like you're playing as a doomer anon.

    Currently, there isn't much content, but even so, it is actually fun to play around in as is. There's several engaging ways of making money in this game via streaming with your QT pi robot gf, your atypical working jobs, or investing in stock/crypto.

    So far the game seems well put together. I haven't experienced any bugs in the version I played. The writer seems experienced. This game seems to be in good hands. Give it a try.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Based and Bog-pilled. You play as a doomer anon in a dystopian zionist world who's only way to make it in life is by doing some very menial labor, or fucking a robot. Basically no customization at this point but it's clearly planned. Some serious development time could make this one of the best games available on F95.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1913184

    Great starting concept, hope this evolves into something good. I definitely enjoy the option of investing in stocks, here's hoping a wide amount of events will be implemented. Even without the porn aspect, this is a pretty funny and interesting concept for a game. That being said, more porn!11
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid first release, it doesn't have much pornographic content yet, but it does have potential, some mechanics like customazing the bot, "chating with her", and sometimes there are some decisions to make (choosing one from 2), that i guess at some point of the development will help to determine the relationship you have with the bot, and the rest of the world.
    Also, as the protagonist, you need money, and there are several ways to get this money that you need to pay rent and stay alive, such as streaming how you fuck (insert here the name you want the bot to have), investing in stocks, or "doing a real job" such as working at a monster dildo factory. While streaming you will get more viewers depending ond the variety of the act, and you may get donations or subscribers, investing in stocks works similar to the real thing, you buy them and you can resell them, and working doesn't have any type of gameplay.

    Sorry for the engrish and possible incorrect structuring, this is my first review and i hope that it helped to get you some interest in the game ^^