Unity - !Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend [v0.87.11] [Incontinent Cell]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Well done unique girlfriend room sim, although as often with H games it screams for more work and content. Games like this have always huge potential in my eyes but also make me little sad cause, well, they get boring pretty quickly without few key elements like suprise scenes, more reactions, better grind system and so on. After you play a little bit and get used that girl has 1 of 3 face expressions during H scenes whole magic goes off. Imagine if girl had more than that, like 6 - 7 for example, suddenly its few times less repetive, atleast in my opinion.

    - unique and well done face expressions, there is not many of them but still impressive
    - nice "girlfriend" dialogue, whole "i love you" thing and so on, sadly it gets very repetive cus robot repeats few lines all the time, why not make more? no idea
    - its very cool that we can buy parts for robot and customize it, whole building it was really fun but also i feel disappointed when i completed it and well, not much changed besides extra position
    - there is not much to do in the game, sleep, eat, sex, go to walk few times and repeat, mini games are fun to try once or twice but thats it

    Despite all i wrote i still give this game 5/5 since its unique and interesting.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Randomly found this game on itch dot io 2 days ago while downloading a different game and played this all day yesterday and today.

    The interactive sex in this game is amazing!
    The customization is broad and and nice to look at.

    Getting money is somewhat hard in the beginning, but after lucking out with a stock you'll be rolling in it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is TOP.
    I hope for the next improvements.
    You need to add more positions and a variety of clothes, more opportunities for outdoor sex. In addition, add more interactions with the robot, some interesting dialogues or more interactive with her, even when she just stands still.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A clear excellent score, especially in comparison to the majority of subpar stuff without character on this site. Although there isn't many s-animations (4 total), those are well made and have charm. There's also some non sex related animations, all to make the character of the robot girl more 'lively', which works to an extend. Especially in the beginning I am gettin some minor necrophilia vibes and an amputee fetish sure helps the enjoyment.

    If you like the animations or not will heavily depend on your fetishes, some people will love what is presented, others will mabye think they are creepy or unnatural, just because of the way the robot girlfriend is depicted. Maybe that uncanny valley is just a too steep climb for you.

    For me it was a fun experience, but I am weird that way, and always happy for an experience that is not vanilla, predictable and ultimately boring. The sex presented is pretty vanilla, but the robot girlfriend is not. You can play this for many hours and still be suprised by the interactions. The quality of what is there is very high.

    The writing isn't that much my cup of tea. It isn't bad by any means, some may say it's genius and funny, but for me it's too heavily reliant on current topics, which will ultimately make it outdated. So play it while you still understand all the memez.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    So I haven't wrote a review on here, so I might as well start it off. So this game from what I can say is good, I can't say it's a perfect game like nothing is perfect. boiling it down to the game, as far as I know it's basically our world going to shit, economy is failing like usual, and society is not functioning as it suppose to due to these Sex Robots. That's what I gathered. I can say that I did enjoy this game and looking forward to see what else it has to offer.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoy the customization and story, Just hope it will be even longer. Hope their will be even more positons and things to do with you're robot girlfirend in your room. Mod support is a huge plus too. Cant wait for updates
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Very good stock exchange simulator. There's also a decent optional sex streaming minigame where you can earn extra money to buy more stocks. I hope there will be more companies to buy stocks from in the future.
    0.87 Update: Time now pauses while using PC so stock price doesnt change while you try to keep track of it. That forces you to constantly relog to your PC. Annoying waste of time. Im dropping 2 stars.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply lovely. The game starts on a really grim setup, with the bot looking as it is (not really fond of the amputee kink, but being a robot, poteito potato).

    But little by little, you begin buying improvements, a bit of clothing here and there, and the game starts being more lighthearted.

    Cheers your heart to see the robot blush and look at you that way after you pat her head. We must protect her at all costs.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    thx is very very cool need more upgrade for girl and more interraction for transform this game in very good game. the story is very cool and fun and trash and i like it and if you can add toilet systeme on girl it can become more cool. Selon moi ce jeu est un des meilleurs avec lonarpg le fait de gérer une meuf la modifier etc c'est vraiment trop cool hate de voir les prochaines maj et ajout de mod prcq c'est vraiment tres tres cool
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm liking where this is headed. I won't be impatient with updates but I hope the quality of animations and writing stays moderately consistent. Also I really enjoyed the "Cyberhunk 2069" music track in the game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is made in version v0.86.0 v2
    Man this game is AWEOSOME the handmade 2d graphics is soberb i get a feeling of a cyberpunk but some touches of futuristic 90s, you having a bot and interacting with her to unlock beheviours more humanlike is a genius idea and she is cute as fuck, the sound is not bad but not great either but i liked some musics.
    I think the game is better if you can save outside the computer or have a autosave because i think is more confortable tha having to boot the pc every time you want to save. I think when you buy something for bot, it can have a preview of how is look on her, because sometimes i buy things i dont like on her just because i cant see before how it looks like, well now to the best part there is 4 total of possitions you can have with her and you can have vaginal and anal sex in 3 of them.
    For now this game is thumbs up and if i have money i will totally support this creator.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This version (v0.86) JUST NAILED it! Should have been named v1.0 at this point. It brought a lot to the game, now it feels soulfull.

    Now, for the reviews's sake: you won't find any better robogf game, there's none. That's my fetish! Live2d physics here is awesome, interactions and customizations are great. Fap-compatible game with somewhat decent gameplay; it's also endless, no time restrictions whatsoever.

    I must mention that someone may cringe at story/dialogues, but it doesn't decrease the overall game value since it's too large. You play through the first 1-2 weeks, you get your content. It's totally worth it. She's worth it.

    Mustplay. Excellence. Bellissimo.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Writing is pretty cringe, it's usually something i can look pass but the stuff littered around is just too corny even for a porn game. Customization is cool but the grindy start doesn't really give me any motivation to continue past where I got bored at. My suggestion would be just add a freeplay gallery or something.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is very good, but I still think that the girl lacks a little more participation, because I was not woken up with a blowjob. 9/10
    I liked the realism and also the script, the thing about having a robot just for me is not bad
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Other than a little grind this games is excellent. The art of this game is slightly inconsistent but generally good (especially considering the small file size); the same could also be said of the humor. The doll is excellent wifu material, worth special comment (and head pats) is the high customizability of the doll.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games where the horny stuff is a bonus. The story, music and progression of the bot becoming more human are all factors that bring me great joy in playing this game. I just love it.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    There is some story developing at the beginning, but then it's all grinding over and over. The animation is nice, but can only entertain someone so far.
    If the choices mattered more, and the cost of advancing the story was lower, playing this game would be more worth it
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. A lot of work has been done. Tons of pure effort. And I'm really glad this exist, I like games with androids very much. And I really hope that somebody will see the this review. Better if the developer himself. Because I'm gonna write a whole fucking essay on what could be improved and WHY it's actually necessary.

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    Now some of my personal opinion:

    I love graphics. I like H-content. Possibility of installing different parts on an android is awesome. QoL needs to be improved though, with mods it's even more noticeably. I cringe at MC. Bro's too stupid to download stockfish and make her play against it. Bro's too stupid to grasp fantasy concept of androids t_t Dialogues are cringe solely because of him, but even when it's difficult to do something about this fact it was possible to not make him a typical imageboard enjoyer.
    I don't like distopian setting and I don't think it's necessary. Wanna feel sad and hopeless? There's a tool for it and it's called life. But this is what the game about, so no shit, I know what I've downloaded. But look at the bro's flat, damn...
    Main story has no indication and probably is too short on content. Sound work is too average to even notice, but it exists and we'd notice if it wasn't.

    So in the end. Good. Wish there were more games like this but with certain differences and improvements. This one also consumes too much time for no apparent reason I think.

    upd: also it's actually sad that we can't play chess against Stockfish her
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely perfect. nice graphics, UI and set of events. it really shows the effort. Game mechanics work very nice! i cant wait to see the next updates and how the game will end being when finished.
    keep up the great work!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool concept and good art and animation. The robot girl is quite frankly adorable, and I really mean it when I say I don't say this about most characters in general. Enjoy the gameplay but it could use some tweaks at it's current state. Feels a tad too grindy atm, and it may be because the framework is there so that the main gameplay loop to get more money and buy more parts is eventually more varied and diverse, but it's simply not there yet in it's current state. Games where the main lewd aspect lies in it's gameplay and not just as a reward are personally my favorite lewd games, so this is a bit of bummer while waiting for updates. Hope to see more, can easily see this becoming my favorite.