VN - Ren'Py - Love Dolls [v0.1 PR] [Smugger]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good game for proof of concept. The game needs a bit of polish here and there but it's good. The sex scenes are a little over the top but that's kinda the appeal of this sort of dark fantasy.

    Honestly this is a game that could go either way depending on how the protagnist is written, will he be the weak protagnist screaming "no" in the corner as the organistion enslaves people? Will he join the organisation?

    I want the latter as while it's been done, it generally seems the most enjoyable.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for
    [v0.1 PR]

    Very promising for the first release, Not a lot of content as expected but whatever is quality.

    The game is built around a plot of Kidnapping, Training/Brainwashing (Not a total 100% brainwash though, Which might be some player's sweet zone) and selling the ladies as merchandise.

    It is indeed dark and all that comes with it.
    The scenes themselves aren't animated yet, but the Dev plans to add animations to all the static scenes soon (including addition of Sound and music For which I took away one point, For now..)

    I'll Update the review including the rating as further builds comes out
    Wishing the Dev a successful one here.