VN - Unity - Completed - Flirty F [v1.0] [Oppai Comics]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a short and to the point game, and almost every girl has gigantic breasts, so there's little variation from that body type. The music is kinda fun, which is the point of the game - definitely not the VNs that are deep and thought provoking with deep character development.
    No slow burn and minimal decisions, which I'm not even sure what they do since you always get the girl.
    A quick, solid VN that's playable as long as that's what you're into.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent game. It's made in unity so that immediate plus since it differentiates itself from the renpy and rpgm spams. The models and animations are also well-made. But the writing looks like it was written by someone who learned English from badly dubbed media. The story also didn't make sense often, but hey, if you're playing a game like this, the story probably doesn't matter to you at all.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I played about 20 minutes. Couldn't deal with the UI.

    Then I downloaded the endings. Couldn't really deal with the UI there either (what's up with all the checkboxes everywhere?).

    Then I downloaded everything, so I could checkout the replays. Those were much better, but the writing quality in those endings weren't so hot. There were times when the MC was saying lines in replays that were clearly intended for the LI to be saying. And I saw that on at least a couple of occasions, but they were making references in a third-person feminine which couldn't describe the MC. It was jank.

    The only real hope this game has of being good is if the developer were to come in and clean up the interface and get an editor, neither of which is likely to ever happen... or if some enterprising third party were to come in and do a remake. I've seen a couple of games that weren't so great get done as Ren'Py remakes, and while they aren't really of a high enough quality to get the player to beg for a sequel, they're usually good enough to get the player to the end... but that's also not likely, I mean, who's gonna pay for that?

    I really wanted to like this too. The characters look entertaining--Quinn looks fun as fuck, I just want to chill at a bar with her and let her beat up assholes that hit on her--and some of the renders look great. Not super keen on the MC (looks like Pete Davidson, weird), but it's mostly a first person game so we don't see his face that often and I can tolerate that. Later replays looked like much higher quality than some of the early game, so I'm guessing the developer improved their rig significantly and figured out how to get the most out of it in their production windows.

    I'll give two stars for the graphics, but I'm taking away stars for the terrible interface (both in gameplay and in "endings") and some of the writing. If I ever come across a remake, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat but I can't ever seeing someone doing that. Too much effort, no payout.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the characters. Love the animations. Clean art style. Breasts right on the edge of being TOO big... just where I like 'em. Family femdom that doesn't cross the line (no gay stuff, like pegging. Etc.). Not an overly-complicated story with too many choices and an eternity between events. It's light-hearted and logical. I wish there were many more like this. "The Visit" comes close, but Flirty F has better art style and animation.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright, so this game isn't exactly winning any awards, but it had me more hooked than 90% of the offerings out here. Now, let's talk about the navigation and Unity engine – they're not just bad; they're a straight-up dumpster fire. I'm half-convinced the code behind it is held together by pure nonsense and the dreams of the developers.

    If I had the patience and desire, I'd give it a Ren'Py makeover. But hey, it's still playable if you've got the time to sink into it.

    What's cool is the overarching story that gives the game a sense of progress. It's a good excuse for a story, not just a wild mix of adult scenes with bad dialogue. And hats off – every main girl gets her own ending. Sure, there's a vibe of déjà vu, but at least no one will be complaining they wanted X ending for Y girl.

    Just prepare yourself for the navigation nightmare! Overall, flawed but strangely satisfying.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice animations, and cute characters, and thats the best I can say.

    In the first 5 minutes I had 8 or so "image could not be found" with text under it, and the gameplay is attrociously put together. you can wander around every room/scene planned at each free move, with one or 2 events available across 17/18 areas, before you click next chapter, to hunt for the next 1-2 events. Also, the characters will repeat any past events, so you have to dialogue each one each time. Its incredibly grindy to find content.

    When you do progress the timeline, it doesn't explain any context. Some days are 2 time blocks, some 3.

    Also, while you get your first job starting day 3 (i think?), you can wander through the office and talk to all the girls, who just have no dialogues for the first 2 days.

    Didn't finish as I got bored of looking at the same people and dialogues a dozen times over seeing if they had anything new to say.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this a long time ago, came back to see it again and decided time to review.

    First, sad to hear the Dev quit making games and ended with this.

    So, this is a VN with sandbox elements, multiple endings, no walkthrough needed, lots of content.

    Graphics are excellent and extremely well done.

    Plot, so this is not designed as a serious drama, this is a fun, sexy romp without any baggage or confusion that this is a porn game. That said, it is a excellent porn game. Straight up, excellent sexy times, excellent hot graphics, no boring game play (there are a few decisions) look around a bit and you get advancement. The world is small so you are not hunting for hours, just a few seconds.

    Good endings, not just one panel and done. Lots of variation depending on the girls you pick and love/lust. Pregnancy endings if you want them, marriage or harem fuck fest.

    Characters are deep enough to get the gist, and enjoy them. Like I said, it is not a drama with porn, this is a honest straight direct... PORN GAME. Fap away.

    Lots of MILF, Mom-Son, Sister-Brother, Hot office boss, hot friend, no NTR, Slight fem dom, and slight male dom, small amount of anal, lots of BJs, and sex.

    Love to see this dev make more
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Lit Dark Age

    Story (3/5): There are some coincidences in the game which makes some situations a bit forced but at the end is some kind of interestingGameplay

    (4/5): I loved the design of the menus and the way to navigate the scenarios is very fluid. I like that the game guides you to the next part of the story. Sometimes a bug occurs with the names of the characters which makes it difficult to distinguish the dialogues.

    Animations (4/5): The character design is very pretty, of course the milf has a very good body. The animations are still very good along with the movement of the bodies and the clothes.

    Sex stuff (4/5): I appreciate that at least there are some sound effects. It has really good angles and places
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has something to offer. Some renders looks amazing and nicely done. The story is quite okay eventhough it is not something really original. Some situations doesnt look really sexy though. The orgasm faces look horrible for example. The game engine is not one of the bests.
    But overall it is quite good game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Great renders, extremely bad writing and "story". Really. It's a turn off, that bad is the writing. I would even say that just looking at renders without reading is a better game experience.

    Characters are good, so give it a try, but damn. Wasted talent. Should just get a better writer and come with an actual story.
    Gave it a 4 out of 5 just based on the renders. They are so well done.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I had a fun time with this game despite a few weaknesses.

    Overall, the renders and animations are good and it is well written. The sandbox elements work well and don't slow you down too much.

    It is a fun and lighthearted game. Don't take it too seriously or you won't have a good time!

    • Most of the females have unrealistic body proportions, especially the breasts. The breast size is so unnatural and ridiculous. They often look like two watermelons attached to the girl's chest. You broke the breast sliders dude. Horny teen males will love this (breast can never be too big in their eyes) but for more mature audiences it produces the opposite effect.
    • The game's audience is horny teen male fantasies and the game's writing greatly reflects this! Some of the females talk like horny teen males. It is a bit immersion breaking at times. I can tell that the author didn't shift gears when changing between the MC and the female characters (the writing is often the same style and personality).

    Overall, a fun and lighthearted game that is worth playing!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, stupid and hot. I thought this was a slow burn game but boy it's a fun thing to play.
    Maybe 5* is too much but game making fun of itself and all the funny dialogues deserves that.
    Women are amazing. Animations and art is pretty good.
    Ending dissapointed me because there was no harem ending but oh well...
    Go ahead and enjoy!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game!
    The game has some flaws:
    • sometimes the renders look very low res
    • The eyes looks a bit plastic sometimes
    • Expressions and posing a few times are weird

    but for the most part it's funny, characters are likeable and unique, the animations are good and actually add to the hotness of the game. The mom character is one of the best avn moms imo. Even though it's mainly an incest game the boss and side characters are also desirable LI's.

    The structure of the game is simple and does not involve a lot of clicking like other tedious sandbox games.

    The endings provide a feeling of closure to the story in a very sweet way (if you choose the love option). I also like that you can play around with the endings and replay the scenes easily without having to repeat or load the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Art was great, game was a little short but had everything I was looking for and really enjoyed the femdom scenes. My gripes were that I actually thought there was a lot of missed potential. It seemed like it was gearing up for something bigger but then just kind of ends. Also the pyjama party intruder things was a bit crap but still enjoyable.

    Overall worth a go and you will finish it relatively quickly.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    In general, this thing is solid. This is basically a visual novel with some sandbox elements, but the game never wastes your time and brings you high quality artwork in no time.
    How to play - takes you quickly to what you want. It's not going to be successful, but it is (mostly) a visual novel, and that's a norm. I find the branching options annoying in general, but in this case you can fly through them to experience all that this game has to offer. I really like games that do not waste my time.
    Artwork - Some of the best things around. Especially good work in 3D modeling
    Characters - Most standard shows, but some of the sisters are really outstanding and I honestly like them when they're on screen.
    If this is the artist's first game, I'm in shock. This is really powerful, especially working on 3D models. Honestly, people have to follow this artist to hire them, because this is better than 90% 3D modeling on this site - and in this person's first game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm surprised to see such a low rating for such a good game.
    - various of choices of what to do next and hidden stuff
    - extremely good and different female characters
    - bottle game event, omg, the hottest moment of adult gaming (maybe)
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    + I really like the models...even though they were all DD+ size versus some variety (yes, I know the one character, Kat, was not as big as everyone else).
    + A variety of character motivations and personalities (lonely MILF, tsundere sister, etc.)
    + I like the animations
    + Models and sex scenes were fap-worthy
    + some good humor...I laughed out loud in the scene of Jessica at the dance'll know it when you get there.
    + Basically no grinding

    > For a unity game, this worked out pretty well when RenPy is normally more appropriate for a VN

    -- Story is okay and requires a lot of suspension of disbelief...which might be part of the tongue-n-cheek of the entire premise, but I do prefer something not so 'convienient" as plot armor as these women (who happen to all be sex-starved) just throw themselves at the MC.

    It was fun and doesn't take a long time to get through everything.
    Save often to go back and replay the different paths.
    I'm definitely interested if the dev makes future VNs/games like this.
    Likes: CTNK
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 795684

    Such a shame that he left being a game dev. I really liked the humour in this. Nearly all of the girls were awesome. Story was good enough for embracing the characters. Jessica was my favourite. I just have a thing for tsundere I guess. Also Julia was sooo good too. Mia as well. Mom's a total MILF. Quinn was so crazy and cute.

    It was both completed and fun. Like I said, such a shame, I would be really curious about his next project if he continued.

    My only complain was lack of harem. I just love to see incest with different family members, threesomes etc. I thought we would get it.

    Also it's worth noting that lewd scenes are awesome most of the time with good animations. It's one of the rare ones in this site for that regard. Blowjobs scenes especially were mind blowing!(Did you see what I did there?)

    Finally, this is the first game that I wrote review after a long time.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    After ending this final release im 100% sure, that dev's next game will be much better.

    "Flirty F" has very good animations with decent and liked models. They are a candy of this game. Not one or twice players will imgine our selfs with those hotties. What is to like: curves, facial mimics, character development.

    Scenario is quite plesant and from the start player know who is who. I can say there is some surprise in the game, but predictible.

    Free roaming is quite plesant and big arrows shows where to go . Especially in the house. But I could not overtake to clicking wrong door at enterance :) House looks good, but without "wow" effect.

    What i liked is final decission and i appreciate possibility to spereate this form a main game into other module. Big plus for that.

    In the end i can recommend this game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    good game, with nice renders, models, animations etc.. good for fun and fap .. but if you need a game with a good story you should look the other games..

    btw i dont like unity, sometimes it's force close itself.. maybe because my potato pc.. dunno

    overall 9 from 10 because i can't give 4,5 star :D