VN Others Etheloucia's Legacy - A Minoan Adventure


Dec 28, 2023
Read the demo screenplay here I've been training myself for months with Ai models into writing and cinematography, composition. They were helping me by sabotaging me all the way up till I got their game and used my wits to take what I needed from the material they were eager to write...The solution is to be the one pushing the "envelope" so to need to have a clear idea where this is going and manipulate seduce them into role-playing where you can finally get something to make your story the way you want it to be...talking but a lot of research if you want something good...otherwise they make up fake facts if you trust them blindly...:LUL:
So it's working good...just by a bloody emoji you make me spill all my "pearls"? :LUL: I posted it in screenplay mode for obvious reasons...not to get copied by others and let others learn how I work my "magic"...relax the real dialogues and narratives are safe over 14500 words so far of material with other characters too...One must be careful you know...but also I wanted to "show off" to those that do know about screenplays...and having turned your scenes in this format you can easily pick up your renders, determine body language, expressions and set a good pacing too(My Ai advisor says so and I have to say I agree!:WeSmart::LUL: It's a huge project what I have in mind to do until completion...but I still make changes and I learn new things on my way. You see the historical context can really drive you away into the adventure side more than the porn has to balance all things plus humor and drama to create something memorable and captivating...In this demo screenplay I got carried away and had too much fun by torturing my "son" Phovos that was played by a puritan LLM...I had too much fun and it was weird but it the end I made the "bloody bastard" Ethelousia's sex toy and had him punished on the rowers crew to shout "So say we all" so all the crew could see his reformation from a sex denier and seeker of self masturbation to a full blown "blessed" motherfucker!!! :LUL: :WeSmart:
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Dec 28, 2023
So it's working good...just by a bloody emoji you make me spill all my "pearls"? :LUL: I posted it in screenplay mode for obvious reasons...not to get copied by others and let others learn how I work my "magic"...relax the real dialogues and narratives are safe over 14500 words so far of material with other characters too...One must be careful you know...but also I wanted to "show off" to those that do know about screenplays...and having turned your scenes in this format you can easily pick up your renders, determine body language, expressions and set a good pacing too(My Ai advisor says so and I have to say I agree!:WeSmart::LUL: It's a huge project what I have in mind to do until completion...but I still make changes and I learn new things on my way. You see the historical context can really drive you away into the adventure side more than the porn has to balance all things plus humor and drama to create something memorable and captivating...
If you have any suggestions do make them...I've shown you that I am interested...also that I am capable of making art from it...Did you notice the wall frescoes on my sacred dance animation? When I spotted them on my resources(tons of texts, images, videos) I used them as a memento of your first comment on the Minoans physical appearance(y)