Ren'Py - Dimitrescu's Lewd Castle [Ch. 1-6.5 FIXED] [ZaneSFM]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Dracula Belmont

    This game falls into category of lazy ren'py games and here are several factors.

    1) it's lazily written parody of another game with established lore the author did not even bothered to make his own while parodies are fine when people comes up with original story for these characters however this is not the case

    2) sex scenes looks horrendous both animated and non animated

    3) game offers you choices between obedient coomer and internet tough guy most of the time it doesn't make sense.

    4) game often rips off characters from other games like the silent hill just to get cheap few patreon subs from people that are into sexualized pyramid heads that does not even fit the theme nor place.

    5) game literally has no idea what it wants to be it starts off as adventure game then becomes a dating sim after a while it becomes a sandbox and it goes back to adventure game and eventually again into dating sim.

    6) I did mentioned the sex scenes but the rendering is bad outside of sex scenes as well.

    7)animations often aren't animated I don't know why it has tag animated when we have only 1 animated cutscene that get's reused.

    1/5 seal of shame.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Last updates lost their way a bit, but anyways this games is AMAZING. The characters, the animations, the paths...Got a lot of time and even now i think im losing some ways! Hope this game continues a long, long time
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game if you have strong-charactered woman to have sex like a beast. It's not really a femdom game either as you also get to slap and bite your way around them
    Game usually consist of finding "hidden" items around a 2d screen while changing rooms. You know like those old java games where you had to squint your eyes to find 2 pixel item in the dark
    It isn't that hard to find all of the stuff though and scenes are abundant. You don't really grind at all either. So if the art and the scenerios interest you, definitely give it a try
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    While the game actually had a story to tell ... as in regular story, episodic updates it was great. I would have given it 5 out of 5! Kinda like Point & Click genre, but obviously for adults & heavily based off Resident Evil.

    That being said, most (if not all) the updates being pushed out nowadays are simply bug fixes and so called "Lost Tapes" which in my personal opinion offer next to none content and even get tiresome at the times. There are also story gaps ... or holes, whenever you want to call them - what happened to the previous guys, players from the previous chapters? Are they going to make a comeback at some point or is the story over & moving on entirely?

    It actually took me a LONG time to piece the fragments together & realize that the guy in Chapter 2 was NOT the same character as in Chapter 1, which was something you'd normally expect ... and also something it would make sense. Also, the game kept asking, almost nudging me to go back & try other options, suggesting that maybe, PERHAPS I did something wrong and that the guy was not supposed to get killed. But then eventually (after trying out all the possibilities) I gave up & to my surprise landed right into Chapter 2.

    All in all, a great idea, great start but mediocre story execution and then eventually ground to a halt by the Lost Tapes & lack of story progress. For now I give it 2 (2 and a half) out of 5, but this COULD change over time if devs prioritize the story updates over Lost Tapes & get back on track.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    models are nice, but the story. why does the MC start out naked. after that the story is just so confusing (it's all over the place) and using what seems to be google translations doesn't help. i had high hopes for this one because i love the whole sexual super natural story line, but this was a real disappointment.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Thot Patrol

    A simple point and click visual novel featuring some characters from horror games, mainly focused around Resident Evil 8. The scenes are kinda whatever to me. It's sort of like a puzzle and sometimes like a maze. Each chapter I got lost trying find certain items and wondering what they even do, where I'm suppose to use it. There is multiple ending to each chapter. There's also alot of ways to die. What the character does sometimes along with the text comes off as goofy to me. The protagonist acts like a bimbo sometimes (of course am playing a porn game).
    [Chapters 1-5.7]
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Started good with RE8 focus now its a mixed character porn shitpost made game with tons of unnecesary dialogue and things out of place , erotic horror is a kink for many of us is a same every game that try to do things like this tend to end on a very different thing it loses it soul and becames another ramdom shitty porn game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of, if not THE best game on the whole website, in my personal opinion! I absolutely love the great amount of tall, curvy milfs!

    This game is perfect for what I like and I had an amazing time playing it! Very excited to see what else will be added to this game, keep up the great work!
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Chapters 1-5.3

    I would have rated this a little higher, but the game has been moving in a direction I don't really care for. It's losing me.

    Demetriscu's Lewd Castle is pure degeneracy in a resident evil point and click game format. You play this for one reason: sex scenes with thick as hell resident evil ladies.

    The plot is super basic, dialogue is drivel word soup consisting mostly of "I'm gonna breed that cow" written in various ways, and gameplay is just click around to find items that unlock scenes. Don't care for it a ton, but these things aren't really where my issue with the game stems from.

    As this gets updated, it's turning into an actual mess of characters from random pieces of media. I lot of this is by and large personal preference, but I hate it. I find it incredibly jarring. I'm playing this for its resident evil theme, not to run into a random Fortnite character.

    I already disliked that we don't play as a consistent character through each chapter, but in chapter 5 it's like the dev said fuck it and starting grabbing random male character models for each scene, making it even more inconsistent. The Demitrescu model also turned horrid with what I'm guessing is an attempt at thigh squish? There's just a general decrease in quality as the game goes on it feels like.

    TLDR - Came for resident evil monster girls, left because of all the random shit that is getting added from other pieces of media that aren't resident evil monster girls. The game doesn't have much going on for it outside of the admittedly unique sex scenes, and that's if you can stomach the almost goofy dialogue that comes with them.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Put simply this game is built different, by someone built different, for people built different.
    There wasn't a single dull moment while playing this deranged masterpiece, and if a scene doesn't get you riled up, it'll give you a good laugh, but mostly you'll be doing both as the MC helplessly dives into the cleavages of "rancid breedable cows" as he describes them. The scenes are absolutely nasty which is exactly what makes them hot, and the dialogues are both bonkers and hilarious.
    I would recommend this game to anyone who's into impregnating fertile sows, raw mating rotten vampire whores, and everything in between.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I feel compelled to write a review after playing it for the first time and seeing so many positive reviews, as of version Chapters 1-5.1:

    THE GAME SUCKS, don't get me wrong the gameplay aspect of finding items and going back and using them elsewhere is great and really well done but what's the point when the sex scenes are so bad? The creator of this must be some kinda enemy of facial expressions since he doesn't show them AT ALL in like 90% of scenes (and don't get me started in the camera angle, most it's the worst possible location).

    The game started great with the only focus being Dimitrescu and her daughters +Mother Miranda, and now it's a f*ckfest of random characters from another's series and shows (like you are walking and you find a Piramide Head big boobed girl or that HUGE Lara Croft that btw is the worst part of the game for sure).

    Another huge bad aspect of it is tons of text that's basically the same since the first episode, that every dude just says that wants to impregnate everything with a hole and tons of text depicting what's happening in the scene (IF YOU DO A GAME DON'T WRITE IT, TELL IT WITH IMAGES AND CONTEXT).

    Overall 3/10 game, this could be better, but I doubt since the dev is doing the same thing over and over again with poor camera angles, just a few animated scenes and crap dialogue with some random characters.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    [ Chapters 1-5 ]
    Magestic game.

    -Story, Originality
    You want the vampire booty and you have several chapters to get it.
    The chapters feel like they are not connected, but its fine.
    Also, subquests are interesting. Even though I never found all the items for any chapter...

    Awesome quality 3D models and background screenshots of the game also look nice.
    (Don't remember if there were animations... Sorry)

    Good music and h-sounds.

    It depends what ending for a chapter you want, but it takes around 30 minutes to finish a chapter. So, the whole game is 2,5 hours(?)

    Typical RenPy, works fine.

    Don't remember any.

    Don't remember (Maybe there are, I played it couple of months ago).

    -Voice Acting
    There are voice lines from the "source game" and some other sounds.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    5 chapters, each has ~4 endings depending on items you get.
    Also there are many more h-scenes when you try to get items...

    And there are some secret endings, I believe.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm telling you. ZaneSFM is the only creator who can make me (and you) play a clearly femdom game and still enjoy it to wanna play the whole thing to completion. And this applies to all his games. Every single one of them are just good story that makes femdom enjoyable t o play.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    the gentelman

    Phenomenal game. I busted so many nuts playing it, and it's also really fun. please support the dev on his patreon like I did for more of this content.
    10/10 . just if the dev could stop make lady tiramisu kiss the MC right after saying her mouth is rotten , that would help not kill my bonos .
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great little time waster here, lots of endings and good butt-grabbing images. It is important to have these in H-games, idk why most developers don't add them to their games.

    Looking forward for some Mother Mirando.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say, this is a amazing game.

    Animation could use some polishing but multiple path story line and scenario are well done.

    Also some renders are not that good in quality, a little more work there might be good.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    GREAT GAME! LIKE A BREATH OF FRESH AIR. Played a lot of different games, and this one hooked my perverted fantasy) I recommend it to those who are looking for something new. Interesting dialogues (without semantic load or intrigue) and very passionate
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Meh, nothing really interesting. You'd think the Scenes would be animated well since its Zane"SFM" but not even that, it like a handful of frames for all scenes. The models are also not that much to look at. Gameplay is very simple so is the writing.
    Not to mention the so called "Bonus" content pack that is basically not bonus at all. Some Scenes just cut off completely, until you buy the content pack you won't see the full scenes.
    But from the few things that I did see, its rather bland. I played the three main endings. One isn't animated at all, the other two are barely animated and I played one of the secret endings also no animation. Played the whole thing in like 10 Minutes or so.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    i know its still too early chapter one to write a review, but i believe this game has true potential and would like for its continuation.

    the alcina model looks great and she resembles the same attitude she would have as that of the real game. Animations need improvement but I believe that is a fixable issue.

    I also suggest to see way more outcomes in the future perhaps adding alcina's daughters would add more variety to the game , as it stands the story is pretty much you trying to force Alcina to do lewd things with you but it always ends up backfiring backfires).

    Best of wishes
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Mike Hancho

    Very little game time, very poor experience, all and all quite a lazy production. Oh and zero to none mentionable scenes. I wouldn't recommend playing, or even downloading for that matter. Sisters are nowhere to be seen, and the lady of the house? not eager to see you to say the least.