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VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Breeding Island [Final] [ZaneSFM]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    If you are looking for the worst game in exitance, I congrulate you dear reader, you are in the right place! Terrible story, terrible directing,a much more unlikeable main character than shinji ikari, dialouge that makes NEGATIVE sense (zero on this occasion, is a bit too charitable.) What is not to like....
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, but some notable flaws that kept me from giving it 5 stars.

    It has a fun storyline with engaging characters and dynamics. All of the characters are mysterious in their own way and have their own agendas, which makes navigating the island all the more interesting. Moreso the fact that you can actually die if you screw up (although you can easily rollback to the checkpoint before you screwed up, so it doesn't get frustrating).

    The sex scenes are great for the most part. I don't care for armpit stuff, and that gets mentioned a few times. Wasn't enough to bother me though. I like the fact that the game was bold enough to heavily incorporate rimming in the game. Oddly enough that, little to no anal, which is a bummer. Not enough games do that. I also like the fact that the game doesn't shy away from the island's inhabitants being unhygenic or unbathed at some points. There's something about a dirty orc that's just hnnnnngh. Not enough blow jobs, but the sex scenes that are in are fairly unique.

    The player character is kind of annoying, but it can be ignored. He talks a lot and screams "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU" in every sex scene. Kind of jarring. I would have preferred being able to name our character, but whatever. He also is wearing those swim trunks throughout the entire game. Even when he's back in his own world, living his ordinary life, he never puts clothes back on for some reason.

    The game could benefit greatly from an English proof-reader since the English isn't that great. It's good enough to understand and enjoy everything though. There was a period of time though where I wasn't sure if Alice was the player's sister or neighbor. There's also a lot of things that are said that are either contradictory or confusing, which I attribute to being a language barrier.

    I know it seems like I'm harping on the game a lot, but these are the only real issues with it. The game is fun and worth trying out.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Kan'u Unchou

    A review of the final version of the game.
    Issues with the game in my humble opinion:-
    1. Inconsistent characters that come off as schizophreniacs.
    2. Ubiquity of logical inconsistencies.
    3. Unappealing artwork with body parts looking strange for most characters
    4. Male protagonist that shouts "i love you", again and again numerous times, the moment any woman has sex with him even if they met for the second time, also tells this to every woman
    5. Protagonist comes off as schizophreniac and forgets things he said a few moments ago.
    6. The plot progression changes from moment to moment forgetting the constants in the world that were introduced just a few dialogues earlier, which reflects poorly on the work considering one needs to at least know one's own characters and the story development at least for the next few minutes of content.

    It can be seen for future how characters are drawn and maybe trace the body from existing models for his own artwork. It is absurd that the constants introduced in the story keep changing, so notes can be taken of what plot relevant points or world building points are introduced in the story.

    A way to improve would study about writing dialogues and writing characters, for which he may use books or other means such as for example playing games with certain characters whose personality matches the ones he wants to make. It would also help if one sees some popular games in this genre and how their protagonists are written to get an idea. The sex scene writing can be learned from popular nukiges and higher production works.
    ( VNDB tag filters can be used for recommendation in this para realting to traits, sexual scenes, highly rated writings in a genre etc etc)

    The game feels as if there wasn't much planning/homework in its execution, so reaching out to other developers and learning about how they structure their project or learning from other sources would help. It happens that authors across mediums forget some plot points or constants that introduce inconsistencies, or there can be a few loopholes ( which is more likely), but this story is riddled with it and it occurs every changing minute, a problem to be worked on for future projects.

    It did make me laugh quite a bit at places due to how bad it was and kept me reading in anticipation and hope of having an ok mystery plot which it unfortunately didn't in the end. This is just a plain trainwreck with no redeeming qualities in the end now that i'm done reading it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Some games found on F95zone are dull. Others have their charm. A few others stand out, for their quality or their depravity. And then there are games like Breeding Island, who don't easily fit into the standard models.

    The game is a strange, strange mix of eroticism and horror. The MC builds a harem - but in a submissive way. Trapped on an island where almost every creature is either physically far superior to him, wields supernatural powers, or both - he has little choice to submit to the whims of every creature who takes an interest in him. Only his rarity as a human male, and occasional quick thinking, keeps him alive.

    While the MC himself is in many ways uninspiring, surviving as he does through a combination of cowardice, cunning or Stockholm Syndrome - his lovers/tormentors are the heart of the game. While the characterization can sometimes slip a bit, they all are well-defined and handily avoid being mere palette swaps of each other.

    The game is not without flaws - there are the occasional grammar mistakes or odd word choices (which could be explained away as oddities in the usage of English on the island), and there are a few logical inconsistencies (which can be explained away as the natives being ignorant or deceptive about certain matters.) The game ends in a cliffhanger, which is fine, but there are definitely odd threads to the story which never are really explained or have any payoff, and, particularly towards the end, there are scenes where characters have long discussions where the MC isn't present, which feels clumsy given that the story is generally (though not exclusively!) told from his point of view.

    Overall, if you like a charmingly strange story, and/or have a thing for amazonian femdom, this game is a must download.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is incredibly stupid most of the time but idk I found it kind of charming, I was entertained most of the time even whilst I was confused about wtf was going on and I found the dumbass characters pretty endearing

    Funny game
    pretty weird for sure though
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Breeding Island [Final]

    Story = Good story, a little too crazy, but there is some things that was never answered in this game.
    Renders = Not the best of the best but kinda unique, every girl, even being the same race have something different.
    Sound = We have some music and sounds.
    Amount of content = There is a good amount of content, for the first game is really good.

    Well..the game is good, and unique, if you are thinking that this is a harem game, with an alpha male that fuck everyone, well, is not, the mc have sex with different monster girls, but the is weak and submissive, every wrong question or when the mc grow some balls, he die. For the first game, the story is really well done, there is a lot of questions and most of them have some answer in the story, but there is some that even after finishing the game, there is no answer. The ending is not something that you think, and some people may be mad, but there is continuation of the game. Is a different game, with a lot of different fetishes, most of the time the mc is submissive, have some nice renders, a crazy story, with some nice monster girls.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a really good game but very long. There is also a lot of girls that you don't really get to do to much with (in the first one). The gameplay is also nice and easy you can't really lose. You can game over but it just reloads it before the scene happened basically and there is also the back button from ren'py to.

    The story is pretty good but its really crazy and can throw you for a loop or just throw you off in general.

    The H-Scenes are probably the thing that feel underwhelming. They are not bad but it felt like there wasn't enough of them for the amount of content presented that you have to play through. Even though there are a lot of renders its mostly story.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is for a couple of hours

    This is a point and click game, you have to click a lot to move between instances.

    The erotic scenes are not bad, they are average.

    The plot is quite good.
    As for the very beginning, the main character appears on the island, where, to his surprise, at the very beginning, he is greeted by a nurse girl. As it turns out, the protagonist is in a world where monsters reign, but not some ordinar ... They are female monsters.

    The story revolves around the fact that the main character wants to escape from the island, but his life is interwoven with love, and he wants to take the monster girls with him. He faces many dangers, death... more death...

    But the game is definitely worth playing.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game suffers from bad story telling, poor character design, and strange camera positioning.

    Graphics: The positions and H-Scenes are good, with the exception of the faces which would be better with with light censoring. Sometimes the camera positions are questionable. In one scene you are watching someone stretch from 5 feet away. Instead of giving your characters PoV or a more zoomed look at the person of interest the camera is positioned behind your character for a odd 3rd person perspective where you are the focus instead of the PoI. This happens more than once and it ruins some great H-Moments.

    Story: The game really wants to be an anonymous harem, survival of the fittest. But the hoops the game goes through to make this happen really ruins the mood. First you are given false choices, if you choose wrong you die with no H-Scene but this is mitigated since the game brings you to the choice again. Next the game does away with the concept of names by saying "Here if anyone knows your name they will try to kill you", which in the end causes many of the characters to be misnamed based on their clothes. Since this is survival of the fittest and you are helpless the game makes you cling to the monsters for protection, even when they are what you need protecting from.

    Characters: Your character is just annoying and unlikable. He is a love at first sight, stereotypical loser. This is hard to get right, and this game missing the mark. The other characters however are just the worst. They are either written inconstantly or just pathological liars. They will tell you something is ok, then immediately turn back on it. Sometimes it just feels like they are making up random things to pad out time. A few of the characters are just unbearable when they ramble.

    On the surface this game has a ton of appeal, but as you start reading you just see a island of missed opportunities.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is the WILDEST ride I've ever been on with an h-game! I just finished playing it, and frankly I'm left in shock of what the fuck just happened. Normally my reviews are much more structured, so I'll try to do the same with this one, but holy hell, this was a doozy!

    The story is rather simplistic: you, a college student, wake up on the beach of some island, only to find out that the island is home to a wide variety of monsters. Antics ensue, and you end up meeting a few of them. Now, things went from 0 to 100 REAL FUCKIN' QUICK! The characters' relationships changed so quickly I think my brain still hasn't caught up yet. As the plot progressed, things changed. Not like "the boulder was moved" or "the child's broken arm healed,' but I'm talking Christopher Nolan level changes. M. Night Shyamalan would be impressed by it. If you're going to play this game, realize that there are no rules to this world.

    The game itself isn't so much a game, but instead could almost be classified as a kinetic novel. There are a few gameplay interactions in it however, but those interactions follow a linear path. There is only one good ending, but many bad endings that branch off for only a few lines of dialogue, upon which you need to return to the previous choice and choose correctly.

    The art in this game was pretty laughable. From low-res models that appear quickly slapped together to D.Va cosplays textured over a base model, this game get your funnybone off if nothing else. The environments look like something a middle-schooler made for a school project.

    With everything said, the game itself is pretty shitty. But I had more fun playing this than I have playing most other h-games. And hey, some parts of it were actually kind of hot. To me, this is the h-game equivalent of The Room. I can't wait to play the sequel.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Not your average H-game that's for certain.

    You must have a specific type of twisted mind to be able to find this game erotic. Which is exactly what I have.

    The wording, the progress, everything made me feel like I could get my head chopped off any second. Which is brilliant.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I rarely ever shit on games here because I like to give the creator the benefit of the doubt. But what the fuck is this? The scenes look blurry, the character models look terrible, and not to mention the beginning is incredibly boring. A beginning is supposed to hook you immediately, this did not. My first time playing and I found myself skipping the dialogue just to see if it went anywhere (it didnt). The audio also seemed lazily thrown in. The ocean at the beginning sounded muffled.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    From the outside looking in this game seemed like it had potential. Once you play it however, that goes right out the window. Never has there been a main character as obnoxious, unbearable and pathetic as this guy. If the word cuck could be defined by a picture it would be a picture of this guy. His continuous "I love you" banter is sad and pathetic, it's extremely unrealistic. *Meets a creature for the first time* "I love you", "I wanna be your husband".

    Never have I wanted someone to be eviscerated more than the MC. The perfect ending would've been for him to die and his dad take over breeding everyone, or better yet just end in an giant lesbian orgy. Wishful thinking I know.

    Art/Graphics 3 out of 5
    Story 1 out 5
    Gameplay 1 out of 5
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game. I tried it before and didn't like it, so seeing as it's finished decided to give it another go.

    But there are some many problems I don't even know where to start.

    1. Dialogue - there's far too much of it and little of it feels natural.
    2. Main character - considering the situation, the main character acting like a coward is okay. What I find absolutely baffling is him declaring his love after so few interactions with some characters.
    3. Inconsistencies - I saw this one mentioned by others. The one that got my attention was the Nurse first saying that there were two caves and the demon lived in one of them. Later she says they don't know where the demon lives.
    4. Choices - basically non-existent from what I've seen, except for bad ends. So no choices. This might as well be a comicbook.
    5. Free roaming - the game is pretty much linear and things that are marked as 'optional' are required for progress. Basically there's no point to the freeroaming in the game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A bit cliche at times and the MC is less then compelling but the overall story and setting is a rather fresh twist on what could be just a run of the mill harem fap VN.

    Not sure if dev is a fan of m.night shyamalan but even he would be proud of some of the twists and general mind fuckery. It crates a narrative that causes you to almost fear enjoying the progress or development of a plot for it to only be thrown upside down in a rather well done if not "Oh come on" kind of way
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    My main problem with this game is the writing, which is horrible. The characters themselves can look ugly at times and fappable at others, but the writing just kills it for me. Your choices literally don't matter since every bad end just sends you back to the choice select with the bad choice removed. The dev knows enough english to be passable, but when writing out dialogue it's godawful. There's also contradicting plot points. At the beginning the Nurse tells you that all the women on the island will try to fuck you, yet later it's revealed that having sex with outsiders is forbidden, so they can't fuck you. Due to the poor writing, the MC is also a retard. At the beginning with the Orc tells him they're going to fuck, so runs off to the Nurse and says "Ermagerd wer gonna sexy time!" Then after the sex, he runs back to the nurse and goes "OMG YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME, WE JUST DID SEXY SEXY" like he didn't tell the Nurse about it a few hours ago. There's also grammatical and spelling errors sprinkled in here and there.

    Overall, just hold Ctrl to skip all the dialogue until you get to a fappable part. Other than that, it's just a waste of time.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm sorry, but this game continually does something that bothers me.
    Game: Don't go do this thing!
    Game: *only allows you to do this thing.*

    The MC turns into an idiot as he continually goes and does things he's specifically told not to. He's the type that would see a sign that says, "Warning: Molten Lava!" and dive in head-first.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a game with a decent story and some decent characters the MC is insufferable though and in my opinion does not act like a normal human would act in any scenario he is a beta to the point that it hurts where he will tell every single girl in the game he loves them after a kiss essentially some of the moments in the game feel rushed and sudden like the dev had to come up with something to move the story along and picked a plot point out of a list.
  19. 1.00 star(s)



    +Unique characters and designs
    +Okay storytelling
    +Monster girls are always a win! :sneaky:
    +If you're looking for a well-deserved awaited wank, after investing time in story/characters playing, this game is for you


    -There's too much text. The story is okay but there's just too much reading. It would be fine if the scenes are constantly changing in order to distract the player from the atrocious wall of text, but it just isn't. You are forced to read more than 15 lines of text with just a single still image. I wonder why even bother to put a picture to establish a scene if it is just reused 2-3 times over and with 10 or more lines each.
    -Adults scenes are mediocre at best. Just like the problem above. One picture, 15+ lines of text. Goodluck maintaining an erection.
    -Gameplay is there, but its lacking.
    -If you're looking for a quick wank, this game isn't for you

    2/10 Honestly, i would really like to love this game. The premise of the story and the characters has so much potential! But it is just bogged down by too much reading and too little action. I often find myself thinking "omfg stop talking!" and "get a move on!" while playing. I still stand by my words though... MONSTER GIRLS ARE ALWAYS A WIN!
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty horrific. The male character is a pathetic weakling on an island of powerful monstrous girls for whom survival of the strongest is the only rule. He spends most of the game begging for his life. If you're not into that and seeing everything your character touches destroyed, you'll want to skip this game. It's incredibly dark and depressing.

    ***spoiler alert***
    He gets at least one ally killed hiding behind her.