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VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Breeding Island 2 [Final] [ZaneSFM]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The protagonist is a sleezoid, a coward, and a moron. Worse, he has no desire to rectify this. If he successfully fought back and was more truthful to his lovers, that alone would make the game far better.

    The story is so artless that I can feel brain cells offing themselves when I play this game. The only half-decent part of it are the sex scenes, if that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The sequel to the original oddball Breeding Island, Breeding Island 2 continues to be it's eccentric self.

    The writing is tighter here, and the plot moves along at a more rapid pace, leading to a shorter overall playtime. In the first game the MC was exploring the strange new world in which he found himself; in this one he's much more focused on his objectives.

    There's some clarification of points that were never resolved in the first game, but there's new unanswered questions - how did everyone escape?
    The midgame in particular takes a very controversial turn, which raises more questions than it answers (which is not unusual for this series!)
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    There's more emotional depth in the game; one comes to like the characters only for the game to make a surpisingly sad turn midway through. As with it's predecessor, there are some language usage issues; "manor" repeatedly gets substituted for "manner". There's also this unintentionally hilarious error:
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    Finally, there was clearly a LOT of love that went into the many possible endings; even if I think some of them are kind of extraneous, I appreciate that they're there.
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    Overall, a continuation of a very strange, yet charming series.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Breeding Island 2 [Final]

    Story = It get more crazy than the first game, but there is stuff that don't make sense and are we never have any answers.
    Renders = Not the best, but there is some good ones, the girls from the first game are here, with some new ones.
    Sound = If you are waiting for an amazing soundtrack, a lot of musics, well, is not there, but tha game have some sounds and musics.
    Amount of content = Full game, but not giant, if you play the game in an normal speed, no rushing all the text, i believe 4-5 hours of gameplay, but if you are a fast reader, a lot less.

    Well...now we come for the long boring text.
    The game is bad? More or less, the game is relative good until 70% of the game, after that, the game become a mess, some events from the first game, are never answered in this one. The ending, i understand why is there, but is really bad, and give you a really bad taste. If you are hoping for a "happy ending" is not there, and will make you feel bad. In my opinion, look like the game was rushed after some part just to "end". There is no gallery, there is a lot of things that don't have answers again, there is things that don't make any sense, bad ending, is unfortunately a poor game, after the first i was hoping for a lot more, the game don't deliver that. The only positive aspect of the game that i could put if the diversity of the models, even if we have the same "species" of monsters, they are unique, and some good sex scenes too.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    WTf... I mean.. What the..? It is disgusting, it is scary and I have no clue what to do. No questlog, no hints. You have to "farm" each spot until you find a little "!" over one of the ugly npcs to trigger a litte dialoge, which is needed to progress. I don't even know what the progression is for- no goal or anything I could work with. The renders are bad, lack of details and the scenes are not even animated. This IS the worst game I have tried so far, and I played some already.. I'm still confused how anybody was ever able to produce trash like this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the most unique games you are going to find with a massive amount of different and unique characters. I would definitely recommend playing this game.

    This one has better scenes imho compared to the first game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of things going on in this game, which at first is rather interesting.
    But as it turns out, most of the mysteries you find or hear about, never get answered and they are now just forgotten by everyone else in the game, you will never know the answer to the questions you ask yourself in this game and that is infuriating.

    The writing is okay, the language is mediocre. If you are picky with grammar, then this is not the game for you. But even then there are so many simple typos that could have been fixed.

    Over all I have to say I am very disappointed in it. It had a good idea but everything feels rushed, forgotten and just randomly put together. No conclusions to anything, jumping between tense moments and snoring for 2 days like nothing matters. Forgetting previous conversations with other characters in less than 20 seconds, like they never happened.

    It also seems that every single character in this game, including the MC, is bipolar with a minimum of 4 personalities. None of which makes any sense or have any explanation. Because there is no other way things could go the way it does.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The sequel out which might not be the end...

    The game immediately throws you into an on going story which you will rarely understand unless you have played the first part, but it's not that complicated.

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  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Tragic Princess

    The main character of the Breeding Island series may be one of the most annoying mc's EVER. At first I thought I was being trolled by his behavior but it continued throughout the entire series. He's a cuck without actually being a cuck, his constant "I love you" banter get old and lame really fast. The first girl he saw he's all like "I love you, bear my children", I mean I get that it's called Breeding Island but to regurgitate the same lines over and over again to every single girl/monster was a bad taste.

    The art was okay as well as the colorful selection of characters but the story was lacking and overall bland to me. I wish the devs luck with their next project and hope they have nothing but success.

    Art 3/5
    Story/gameplay /1/5
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    story: is too complex sometimes but still makes sense.

    characters: they are still kinda well done and wierd but in a interesting way.

    ambient and sounds: meh +1

    scenes (all of them): ok this just got wierd.

    conclussion: did they change writers in this one? all is so wierd and erratic!
    the main character just go full cray cray! (and aparently now can fight a moose with his hands)
    NOW you can feel the charm of this game, is still there. i still want to know whats going on with the isle, or who are this people, even now there is more new question regard the MC family.

    this game deserve your time and money

    psdt: with all the bloody and wierd scenes going on
    this game remind me when spongebob got new animators.